Hatha Yoga Poses: Sanskrit – English

yoga poses from motleyhealthSanskrit (English) Yoga Asanas

Learn how to perform a variety of yoga postures. We have a complete list of many Hatha yoga poses with detailed explanations and pictures for you to practice yoga at home.

Some terms in Sanskrit are repeatedly used in the names of asanas. Generally these are prefixes and can be used on any pose to explain a variation. Ardha means half, Supta means reclining, Adho means downward, Parivrtta means revolved or twisted, Urdhva means upward, Utthita means extended.

A majority of the Sanskrit names for the postures actually end with asana. Here are the main yoga postures. Click each to see an image of the yoga pose along with a description.

The names of the most common yoga postures (asanas) used in Hatha Yoga:

Yoga Sitting Poses

Yoga Lying Poses

Yoga Back Bending Poses

Yoga Inverted Poses

Yoga Standing Poses

Yoga Balancing Poses

For a complete yoga lesson you can start your session with some loosening postures as a warm up, then you can perform a combination of lying and sitting postures, these can include back bending and twisting poses, followed by balancing and standing postures, and finish with some inverted postures. You can then complete your yoga lesson workout with a few minutes of relaxation.

Yoga is an extremely diverse discipline, but this collection of yoga positions names covers all the most common poses that you will come across in classes and self study at home. We have many general articles and pages on yoga as well as more detailed yoga information here at MotleyHealth.

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