Intense Spread Leg Stretch Yoga Pose – Prasarita Padottanasana

This posture is also known as Wide-Legged Forward Bend.

Intense Spread Leg Stretch Yoga Pose or Wide-Legged Forward Bend -  Prasarita Padottanasana

Start in the mountain pose, standing upright with arms relaxed and feet shoulder width apart.

Then, open the legs wide, keep the feet facing forward, inhale and on the next exhalation bend the torso forward from the hips.

Place the feet evenly on the floor, so that your body weight is equally spread between the legs and feet.

Keep the shoulders open and relaxed through out.

Then, exhale and place the hands on the floor in line with the feet. Holding for about 30 seconds.

To come out place the hands on the waist and gradually lift the torso up on one inhalation. Alternatively, you can place your hands on your legs for support as you come up. Or place your hands on the floor and bring your legs together before you lift up the torso.

You can also bend your knees slightly at any time during this asana if you find this easier to start with.

Once you are standing upright again walk or jump your feet together. Then rest in the mountain pose.

The Intense Spread Leg Stretch Yoga Posture helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the legs and back.

Hatha Yoga Postures: Sanskrit – English

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