Start by sitting in the staff position with the legs straight out in front.
Bend the knees and fold the right leg in, placing the right heel next to the sitting bone.
Place the left leg over the right leg, keeping the left knee up and foot planted to the floor.
Breathe in and on the outbreath twist the upper body to the left towards the lifted knee, placing the right arm on the inside of the raised knee and the left arm stretched behind the back.
Breath out holding the stomach in, place the right arm through the left leg reaching the left hand to hold the right hand. Breathe normally, holding the posture for about 30 seconds.
Release the posture and repeat it on the other side.
Hatha Yoga Postures: Sanskrit – English
Marcia has been practising yoga for over 20 years and has specialised in the Hatha and Ashtanga schools of yoga, although has also enjoyed learning other branches such as Iyengar. As well as yoga she practices meditation, and plays a wide range of sports, including badminton, cricket, cycling, and walking.