Eka Pada Kapotasana – One Legged Pigeon Yoga Pose

One Legged Pigeon Pose Variation I

Start by resting on your hands and knees.
Bring the right leg forward and extend the left leg backwards.
Lower the right knee down to the side towards your right, so that it touches the floor. Keep the right shin perpendicular to the right knee, creating a 90 degrees angle. If this is too difficult bring the shin down towards you until you find a comfortable position. Your left leg should now be stretched behind you.

Eka Pada Kapotasana - One Legged Pigeon Yoga Pose

Keep the torso upright, focusing the gaze straight ahead. Open the chest and breathe normally. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

One Legged Pigeon Pose Variation II

In this variation of the posture you lower your chest down to the floor.

Start by resting on your hands and knees.
Bring the left leg forward and extend the right leg backwards.
Lower the left knee down to the side towards your left, so that it touches the floor. Keep the left shin perpendicular to the left knee, creating a 90 degrees angle. If this is too difficult bring the shin down towards you until you find a comfortable position.
Eka Pada Kapotasana - One Legged Pigeon Yoga Pose

Your right leg should now be stretched behind you.
Exhale and bend the torso forwards, stretching the arms in front of you.
Hold this position for about 30 seconds, breathing normally.
To come out lift the torso back up and release the leg.
Repeat on the other side.

These postures help to open the hips, stretch the legs and the back

Hatha Yoga Postures: Sanskrit – English

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