How To Lose Your Beer Gut

OK, this is an article aimed at our male readers, although the rules do still apply to all. As we all know, once you get past your teenage years and start enjoying life a little more, the dreaded beer gut starts to make an appearance. If not kept in check, then soon it literally takes center stage and becomes the focus of all attention, both your own and that of colleagues and partners.

To understand how to lose your beer gut, you first need to know what it is and how you managed to get it in the first place.

What Is A Beer Gut?

Unlike the extra fat that many women carry on their hips and buttocks, a man’s beer gut is often almost solid to the touch. This is because rather than consisting of surface fat (subcutaneous fat) it consists of fat that surrounds the internal organs (visceral fat). This type of fat creates a near solid lump where your internal organs are and is therefore firm to the touch.

This type of fat is also extremely unhealthy, it literally strangles your organs, depriving them of the freedom they deserve to move and breathe (for want of a better word without delving into human biology). It basically leads to disease, including heart disease. So, beer bellies are not good.

What is the Best Way to Lose Your Beer Gut?

Many people will say – EXERCISE! But think logically – how did you get your big stomach? Was it because you stopped playing football 3 times a week? Or was it because you started drinking 6 pints of beer 3 nights a week? The reason for putting on fat around the internal organs is mostly due to diet, and not so much due to lack of exercise. This is why you need to do a diet plan as well as exercise.

Although exercise keeps you fit, exercise alone will not lose fat. Athletes and sportspersons have to follow strict diets to maintain their optimum weight. Being slim gives them a competitive advantage, and is not always a byproduct of working out. Although obviously exercise does help to increase a calorie deficit, diet is most important.

Our MCD Weight Loss plan is also designed to help burn off fat with a combination of healthy eating and highly intensive exercise. The first rule of exercise for weight loss is that it must be done with intensity.

But before you start exercising you need to stop drinking so much beer. This is the fist vital step to get rid of your beer gut. You do not need to give up, but cut back big time.

If you down 8 pints on a Saturday night, then you are consuming over 1500 kcal (calories) in one evening, on top of all the food you ate during the day, plus the junk food you eat afterwards, and the breakfast you eat the following day to get over the hangover. This means your Saturday night is adding about 3000 calories to your weekly diet. Do this twice a week and that beer gut will be ballooning in no time.

Diet Your Beer Gut Away

Remember, it is not just the beer that you have been drinking that has given you a beer gut, but also all the junk food that you eat at the same time. Salted peanuts, chips, pork scratchings, kebabs and baltis all add thousands of extra calories to your weekly diet.

Follow these diet rules to lose your gut:

  1. For fastest results, stop drinking beer completely. Otherwise, cut back just a few pints each week
  2. Cut back on calories generally. Eat less, eat smaller portions
  3. Cut out bread and pasta. Replace with healthy vegetables, fruits and salads
  4. Stop drinking fruit juice (it contains fructose, a form of sugar high in calories)
  5. Eat more proteins and healthy fats, and less carbohydrates
  6. Eggs are your friends at breakfast, chicken for lunch, fish for dinner
  7. Chose low GI foods (GI essentially being a measure of sugar content in food, including healthy vegetables)
  8. Eat soup every day for one meal
  9. Eat a salad every day as part of a highly nutritious meal – hold the salad dressing, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  10. Replace all daytime drinks except black coffee with water.

Get Fit and Build Muscle to Help Lose Your Beer Gut

If you are going to exercise, which you really should, then make it count. Men have an advantage over women when it comes to losing fat – testosterone. The natural levels of testosterone in the body mean that it is easier to build muscle, and this means that with weight training you can not only burn calories while exercising, you can build lean muscle to help boost your metabolism.

Studies have shown that the best way to lose fat is to shock the body. There are two ways of doing this, and you must do both:

  1. HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training. You need to work hard, work up a sweat, and be out of breath. If you can hold a conversation while exercising, you are not working hard enough.
  2. Compound Weight Training Exercises – Big lifts, including Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press, Shoulder Press, Bent Over Row, Barbell Curls. Work the muscles hard to burn fat and build more fat burning muscle!

Although we said above that exercise alone is not the route to losing your gut, it does help a great deal. Some people hit the treadmill in the gym for 30 minutes a day, plodding along, and then head straight back to the bar and order beer and fries. This does not work. But a rigorous exercise regime will help a great deal. There are some really intensive fitness plans available online.

The solution is really simple – eat less and exercise more. The application is often harder! But you can do it.

259 Comments on “How To Lose Your Beer Gut”

  1. hey there. I actually have a fat belly. I’m just 20 this year! I started taking fat burner! So pls help me with what exercise should I do. I’m 125kg!!! I want to lose at least 20 kg within 2 months. Is that possible? Please give me some tips. I dont go gym. I only do jumping rope and jogging 4 times a week! thanks.

  2. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Jack. You need to change your diet, you are overeating if you are 125kg at the age of 20. Read the advice on the diet pages. Why are you taking a fat burner? Probably best to stop that, save your money. You have to increase your exercise, at the moment you are only working your legs. Start exercising your upper body with circuit training workouts.

  3. I have a complex situation for you. I’m a type 1 diabetic who must intake 8k calories a day to maintain my ideal blood sugar, but I injured myself and have had 2 surgeries to rebuild my shoulder, and now am suffering from RSD, and waiting for a neuroblock, but I cannot lift weights or do pushups but since surgery 1 I have gained 20+ pounds.

    Is there a low intensity solution to help with my gut, as my excersising options are very limited right now? I do cardio but am limited to about a mile walk a day. Please let me know if there’s something that might work in my very limited state. Thanks so much

  4. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Mike. Well, if you can find the time to walk for more than a mile a day this will really help. Walking for 45-60 minutes a day helps to burn fat.

    I am curious though, why 8000 calories a day? That seems very high.

    My current understanding is that diabetics should consume a healthy and balanced diet, but ensure that high GI carbohydrates are kept to a minimum. Insulin spikes caused by a rush of blood sugar are the problem, so a diet that helps to maintain a steady blood sugar is best, and low GI does this well.

    Check your daily calorie requirements with your doctor and also see if they can provide some specialist advice for diabetic diets.

  5. Im a 38 yr old male, 6ft1 and around 201lbs. I fluctuate between 190 and 210 pound every year (lean in summer/heavy in winter). I do 3 full body workouts (2 sets, 12 exercises HIT) and sporadic cardio. I cant shift the last 10-29 lbs.

    My diet is ok, but I eat quite a bit of bread, is there a better staple I can use to replace bread? (tortilla’s/pta bread??) Help?


  6. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Norm. Do you know what you change in the winter to gain weight?
    Some cardio would help to shift some fat, maybe start cardio on the days you do not lift.
    As for staples, sweet potatoes are a popular choice by bodybuilders. What sort of bread do you eat? Wholegrain is much better than white.

  7. G’day from Australia
    I’ve got a big belly.Actually I am 175cm and 78kg which means I am almost fit except for my big belly! I had a big belly even when I was only 2 ! I used to play Karate for years but even at that time I had some belly although I was skinny!
    I’ve started to do something to get rid of this fat tymmy. I’ve cut out sugar, cakes, rice, pasta … I go to the gym 3 times a week and I go for running every weekend. BUT I don’t see any changes aftwer a month or so :(
    What do you think that is wrong?
    Also if I must not have bread, what can I eat as the breakfast? Scrambled egg without bread? seems disgusting :)
    3rd question is that: do any of the fat burn tablets help?

    thanks heaps

  8. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Aref. First, just stick to your new plan, 1 month is is till early days, as you get fitter and stronger you will be able to burn more fat.
    If you have to have some bread then have 1 slice of wholemeal toast. However, many people eat omelets without bread, egg and ham omelets with some cheese grated over can be tasty, no bread required.

    Fat burning tablets? Yes, they possibly help a little bit, but are probably not worth the cost or the risk of side effects. Some “fat burn” tablets just reduce the digestion of fat which means healthy fat is ignored too, and they also can lead to fecal incontinence, which is not very cool.

  9. Mark Walters says:

    Hi, hope you can help!! I eat a lot of chicken breast, and rice, I also throw in some sauce to give it flavour. Is this good for me? I eat it at least 3 times a week!

  10. MotleyHealth says:

    Mark, everything in moderation is OK. Chicken is good, rice is best if wholegrain, not that good if white. Sauce can be healthy, depends on they type. Tomato and herb based sauces are healthy.

  11. Hi, I’m currently 12 stone, 18 and 5,7. I’ve been told my ideal weight is around 11, I currently have alot of belly fat and chest fat I’d like to get rid of, I’d been going to the gym alot for the last 2 months around 3-4 times a week hitting the rowing machine and exercise bike, and in conjunction with this im drinking alot more water in replacement of fizzy drinks but I dont seem to be seeing any physical improvements, is there something I could be doing wrong?

  12. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Tedrick. You may need to look at your diet more. Stopping the fizzy drinks is a great start, but the rest of you diet may require some scrutiny now. Also, it is important to keep working on your fitness level. Are you doing the same workouts now as you were a month ago, or are you increasing speed, duration and resistance on the rower and bike?

  13. Hi. I will cut out the fizzy drinks completely then. I am increasing the resistance/duration – although now I think about it and reading some information on here I dont think enough. Although, as of lately I’m finding it hard to be hit the gym as often as I’d like due to transport – what are the good things I can do at home to help? And also there was a type in my first post, im 5,9 – not 5,7.

  14. MotleyHealth says:

    At home bodyweight exercises are good, such as push ups, squats, jumping jacks, back extensions, squat thrusts etc. the main circuit training exercises. Or buy a kettlebell and do some kettlebell workouts at home. These are good for muscular endurance and fitness, and the ‘bells take up very little space too.

  15. Ok thanks – one final question if its ok. How long would you recommend these sessions to be, how many of each etc?

  16. MotleyHealth says:

    Depends on your fitness and the intensity of exercise. A good session will be 45-60 minutes, with an intensive element of around 15 minutes in total (with rests if needed) plus the warm up, cool down stretch etc. included. 2-4 times per week would be good.

  17. Hi, I am a 27 year old male. I am about 5 feet 10 inches tall and weigh 175 lbs. I have been trying to lose my belly fat for about a month now. I have stopped drinking soda/fizzy drinks all together. Usually have orange juice occasionally. Mostly have roti for breakfast with fried eggs, and about a cup and a half of cooked rice with cooked vegetables, chicken or meat.

    I go to the gym 5-6 times a week. Start off with 40 mins of cardio (usually cycling) and burn off about 200-300 calories, then just do weight lifting machines targeting specific muscle groups.

    I have been reading about how to lost the belly fat on almost every website I can get my hands on, and mostly been getting different suggestions. I am otherwise pretty fit except for the gut I have (about 36.5 inches waist size).

    It would be a great help if you could help figure out the best way to lose my fat pad or direct me to a website which does the same. Thank you for your time.

  18. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Sikandar, well, we do have more information here: how to lose belly fat.

    You may be better off splitting up your workouts. For example, rather than do 40 minutes cardio then some resistance training, you may be better off doing the cardio in the morning, then weight training in the afternoon or evening, and start lifting heavier weights too.

    Also throw in some different and more intensive exercises, such as kettlebell workouts or intensive interval training.

    Ultimately you need to create a greater energy deficit while maintaining muscle tone and nutrition, which invariable means reducing calories (esp. high GI foods such as bread, rice etc.) and increasing exercise.

  19. Hey… I broke my arm in the army 5 months ago. I started working out in late december. I lost 25 and have a very defined chest and upper abs but still have a very lil belly and it bothers me because otherwise id be ripped.. Here is my routine

    Day 1: 3 1/2 miles running
    Abs: legs lift situps and crunches

    Day 2: gym with personal trainer

    Day 3: same as day 1

    Day 4: gym with trainer
    Upper back
    1mile run

    Day 5: same as day 1

    Day 6: gym with trainer
    Lower back
    1 mile run

    Day 7: rest

    We alternate in weeks from high reps low weight/ low reps high weight at gym

    My diet is protein rich with little carbs only in lunch for energy. Any exercises that you can suggest for a near spot action on my belly… My trainer says i run too much but i like it. Thank you!


  20. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Abner, I would be tempted to just say, stick to the plan. More cardio will burn more fat, and so long as you are not running before your weight training then you should not be reducing work effort in lifting. What does your trainer suggest about your belly? Sounds like he has set you a good plan so far.

  21. hi I’m a 17 yr old male weighing in at around 110 kilos. I’m absolutely riddled with stretch marks and I only put this weight on in a period of around 4 months. I’m in need to no what to eat, work outs ect to do to achieve looking fit again. I find it hard to go for runs as I cant often be bothered as I work full time and I come home tired … what do i do?

  22. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi William, read this: Basics Of A Healthy Diet and then get exercising. You say “I cant often be bothered as I work full time” – almost everyone is in the same position as you. Nobody gets fit from sitting on the sofa. A healthy diet and regular exercise will actually give you more energy, so you feel less tired too. So get started.

    If there are any circuit training classes, martial arts, kettlebells etc. in your area get along to them, there are often classes running in the evening somewhere. This is a great motivation. Otherwise get you there running. I sometimes yawn when exercising as I am tired, but being tired should not stop you.

  23. Hi, im 22 And have been weight training for 3 years. Ive got a lot of muscle but i started drinking ‘high juice’ didnt realise it had 52grams of sugar per 100ml until 6 months later. I have have a layer of fat in my chest stomach and hips. I cant seem to shed this? Ive started swimming 5 days a week for 30 mins but am now losing strength in the gym. How can i lose this weight? And keep my strength up?

  24. MotleyHealth says:

    You need to do both weight training and cardio. Pro bodybuilders often do cardio in the morning then weight training in the afternoon after snacks and lunch. You could alternate cardio and weight training days. Do not do cardio immediately before weight training though as your muscles will lack energy to lift their max.

  25. okey I have a slight problem or a big one I can not lift weights nor do squats because of surgeries that have been done, but I have not drank anything for almost for years and have lost the easy fat some 60Lbs and still want to lose another 40 but walking or bike is about all I can do. I usually do about an hour on the treadmill and the bike I had I trash, until I can get a new one I stuck with just the treadmill, any suggestings would be appreciated.

  26. Hi, I am doing body building since few years now and my goal is to have a sexy body not big muscles and I managed to do that very well until last year, I got a little belly fat and I have been trying everything I know to get rid of it and get my six packs back and still nothing seems to be working. I am doing a healthy diet along with cardio excercises and weight lifting but still nothing seems to be taking that belly away. Though the rest of my body is in perfect condition. any advice !!

  27. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Hussam, what changed last year? For you to have been doing very well to gaining a belly, your diet or lifestyle must have changed. Ideally you will just need to reverse this change. Maybe you started eating a little more, or are slightly less active in day to day life. Either way you need to now increase energy expenditure (more exercise) and reduce calories, without sacrificing nutrition.

  28. Hi and thanks for your reply , the only thing that happened last year is that i was on leave and went back home to see family and of course i didnt do any excercise when there so i gained around 5 kgs and i think they all were in my belly, the other thing that happened is that i stopped smoking from jan 2010 but even after i quit smoking my eating habbits didnt change and my eating portions didnt change but still i am unable to lose this belly, its not big anyway, but its irritating me too much since i am unable to get rid of it :(

  29. MotleyHealth says:

    Hussam, I am sure that if you start exercising again as you did before you will start losing it. Many people do eat more after quitting smoking too, although it is never intentional. Try following a healthy diet and also following the scientific ways to lose weight.

  30. Mark Walters says:

    What is better for your legs? Running or squats?

  31. MotleyHealth says:

    That depends on what your goals are. Squats are a zero impact exercise, with weighted squats you need to build up slow to prevent overstraining knees and ankles. Running can be healthy too though. Sprinters do both, distance runners often just run.

  32. I’m only 18 years old and i already have a beer belly (i dont even drink beers or any alcohol). My arms, shoulders, and legs are pretty muscular. but once take off my shirt i got a belly like a 45 yrs old man and man boobs. Please give me advice how to loose this and a proper diet! Thank you!

  33. Hi, I am 29 year old male, 5 foot 10 and about 4 months ago weighed 285 pounds.. since that time I have lost 64 lbs, and currently weigh 221. I do muscle building exercises 3 times a week, and cardio/abs 3 days a week, this has been working and now i generally lose 2-3 lbs per week. I have really improved my diet in the last 4 months by eating more vegetables and fruit, drinking more water, and usually staying around 1200-1400 calories a day. Now the problem… I still have a HUGE belly, I realize that at 5 foot 10 221 lbs isnt exactly “skinny”, but in no way should me belly be as big as it is… I feel good and look good (with a shirt on) but I seriously do not think that out of that 64 lbs lost, that a single lb has left my belly. What can I do do help this? I have not been drinking beer, pop, etc. All I have basically been drinking is water. So I am at a loss, I have a fear now that no matter what I do and how much weight I continue to lose, my HUGE belly will ALWAYS be there….. please help! Thank you

  34. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Rocco, just keep doing what you are doing. Well done on losing 64 pounds, this is EXCELLENT. We all lose fat from different parts at different times. Men often lost upper body fat before belly fat. Give it more time, keep up the good work.

  35. Hi, I am leaving to fiji in 1 week, I have stubborn belly fat that is annoying me, I have never seen my abs, but I know they are there. I don’t drink much beer I do countless ab exercises, even bought an ab roller. There is not a huge amount of fat there. I do plenty of weight training and I drink lots of water, so my upper half is bulking while my stomach stays the same, can you help me to see a difference before I go???

  36. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Matt, if your upper body is bulking up but you are not losing stomach fat, then you need to now reduce calories, reduce empty carbs, and eat healthy. Maybe start doing some morning cardio sessions in addition to your weight training.

  37. Thank you for replying. would using protein powder have an effect??

  38. MotleyHealth says:

    That will help you to build more muscle, but not help you lose fat.

  39. neeraj gupta says:

    hi, i m 26. i m underweight as my height is 172cms and weight 56kgs. but i have a big inflated belly or tire as my friends say. i am thin on the rest of my body. can you please advice me what to do. Thanks

  40. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Neeraj, you need to start exercising more and increase protein intake a little to help tone your muscles and re-balance your body.

  41. Serious help says:

    I really need help, I just turned 21 and weigh 300 pounds, what is the best exercise machine you can advise as I am too nervous about my weight to go to a gym. I have been dieting over the last 2 months and have lost 30 pounds so far but it is taking to and i need to lose another 130 pounds

  42. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Serious. You have done well to lose 30 pounds in 2 months, excellent work. There is not really a best machine and I do not recommend buying a machine at the moment. Better to get walking a lot and then start some bodyweight workouts such as squats, push ups, jumping jacks and leg raises. Carry on with the dieting, just start getting more active. If you are really intent on getting a machine then a good elliptical is probably best as it is low impact and works both upper and lower body (although mostly lower body). Cheap machines are often not worth the money though.

  43. Hi there,

    I’m working hard on my weights 3 times a week and 2 interval runs per week. I’ve lost 30kgs in 12 months but can’t shift my weight. At the same time I want to build muscle and I keep reading that I need to overeat (correctly with right protein carbs etc) and create an energy surplus to do this

    My question – am I better off keeping an energy deficit to keep working on the weight – or will a healthy energy surplus combined with very solid weights/intervals create more muscle which in turn will burn the extra fat?

    Or should I focus on losing the weight first and then worry about bulking up? Can I bulk up and lose fat at the same time?

  44. What if your only exercise is running/walking on a threadmill? Would that help and how many hours do you need to do that?

  45. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Steve, firstly well done on losing 30kg (that is about 66 pounds), excellent work!

    Yes you do need to take in more energy to grow more muscle. It is a dilemma that many people have – to lose fat first then build muscle, or bulk and then cut. Or both at the same time. It depends on your goals and deadlines really. If you keep up with the exercise and keep working on both fitness and strength, then you should be able to lose fat while building muscle. You will not be able to build muscle so fast as you will have to eat less. You also risk the overtraining effect.

    Many athletes and bodybuilders cycle their training, so have a bulking up period followed by a cutting period. Athletes often use the off-season period to work on building up muscle then in the short pre-season period work on cutting fat again, then maintain as much as possible through the season.

    So, if losing the fat by summer is key, then you may be best going for the diet and increasing the cardio workouts, while still maintaining muscle. I am guessing that in the last year you have managed to build a fair amount of muscle, maybe with some cutting it will really show more.

  46. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Chinozs, yes it would help. Hard to say how many hours is needed. As a general guide you burn around 500 Calories per hour when jogging on a treadmill. If you run a daily Calorie deficit of 1000 Calories (below your maintenance level) then an hour cardio every day will make this easier. You should be able to lose around 2 pounds a week if you can maintain this level of exercise and continue to eat a calorie controlled diet.

  47. Matthew Laraway says:

    I do been trying to get a good body and muscle for the last 3 years, i can tell my muscle had improve but not major as I like it to be, Maybe I need to tone it? Using small weight? I have lost weight but it just this bit of fatness or beer belly I can seem to get rid off.
    I drink water all the time, 2L a day and fruit 3 a day. I try to eat healthy as well and trying to eat choco or bread etc and hardly drinking.
    This my daily eats: Morning Cereal Mid Morning: Banana Afternoon: Tuna / Chicken / Salad Mid Afternoon Banana Tea: I eat a lot of pasta Supper: usually just biscuit but I’m eating nothing for supper from 2 days ago to do tough 4 weeks training as I got 10K run in Manchester on 15th of May.
    When I’m at uni: I go to the gym in the morning and have 4 different program muscle / shoulder / legs etc on different days, I do 20 mins running and then 45 mins weight training. Gym 4 or 5 time a week.
    But I’m at home now and very limited. I only got free weight basically. I have been doing 20 x 3 press up every morning. Then when I come home from work. 20 x 3 press up, then go for a run 10 – 20 mins, then crunch 20 x 3, Leg crunch 20 x 3, then squat free weight 25kg 20 x 3, then i got this thing that you bend 10 x 3, while each up lift with free weight 10kg.
    I do have protein whey that I take after workout at gym, was doing two a day but I think I was putting on weight, but at home I don’t take it as it may seem pointless to lose the belly fat?
    But I try do different things as I used to do much gymming which wasn’t a good idea. But I know I was very slim but hardly a 6 packs, now over xmas, eat alot, now got beer belly which I’m finding very hard to lose, try to create 6 packs if I can. I be looking forward to your help.
    My plan at the moment: combination of running and weight training, exercising every day of the week

  48. Hi my name is Matthew. I’m fifteen, five feet ten inches, and I’m guessing 215 pounds. But all my body weight is in fat. I used to have a very unhealthy diet. Fast food, junk food, soda, juice, energy drinks. This is all that is available for me. But for the past five months the fast food was eliminated and the junk food was trimmed, the energy drinks and soda stayed the same and the juice went away. Do to me leaving for boarding school. I’ve been told I lost a lot of weight. But I weighed in at 240 pounds In august. My diet is going back to the old one because of a return from school. And Im not very active. I’d guess I get about 3 miles of walking in every day. Sometimes I go on maybe 5 mile walks. And I plan on starting a 30 mile 3x a week plan for cycling. In winter I usually play Ice Hockey for an hour Three times a week. But nothing else. I plan on just going hungry the nights when we have fast food. Because I want to lose body fat especially in my stomach and ahem, pectoral areas. And I don’t have access to any other excersize equipment besides my bicycle. I was wondering If you could give me any more advice. 

  49. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Matthew. First, to reduce the last of the fat you do need to limit calories, especially low GI carbs. A lot of pasta for dinner could be sending your blood sugar levels too high to stopping fat burning. What cereal do you have for breakfast? I would only recommend oats / muesli as this will provide a steady energy release throughout the morning and help curb your appetite. An alternative option would be to eat eggs for breakfast on a single slice of wholemeal toast. The protein will aid muscle development and also curb hunger.

    Keep working on your fitness levels, keep pushing yourself to run faster and lift heavier. This will lead to more fat burning. Try interval sprints when running, go flat out of 20-30 seconds then slow to recovery pace for a few minutes, then repeat. Interval training has been shown to be more effective at burning fat.

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