Abdominal Exercises To Tone And Strengthen Your Stomach

Black and white photo of a male torso showing flat stomach and absIf there is one part of the human body that we have covered more than any other in these pages, it has to be the stomach. There are many ways to work your abs. Do not make the classic mistake of thinking that crunches are the only way to strengthen abdominals. To build a six pack you need to hit your abs from all angles, work the different muscles with different exercises and apply varying amounts of resistance.

Although it is thought that abdominal bicycles are the best abs exercise, you really need to perform a variety. Here we list some classic abdominal exercises that will definitely provide the variation required to build a solid set of 6 pack abs.

There are many ways to work your abs and to develop a strong core and defined abdominals you need to work them in a variety of ways. Just doing the same crunches every day will not get the best results. Hit them hard and hit them often. Get inspiration from these video workouts.

15 minute abs workout for a flat stomach

This is a simple but effective 15 minute core workout for building abs. This stomach workout starts with several variations on the basic crunch, then move on to leg raises, stretches, full planks, side planks, then some more stretches from yoga, including the cobra and child postures. It finishes with some cat stretches to help strengthen the lower back.

It is important to remember that performing stomach exercises is a great way of improving core strength, however these exercises alone will not help you to lose weight around the stomach.

To lose fat from your waistline you need to perform full body workouts and eat a calorie restricted diet to burn fat. This means that you have to reduce the amount of calories you are eating every day. In addition to this, you should aim to eat mostly low GI foods as these contain less sugar, and it is sugar that causes people to put on weight.

Full body workouts are simply when you exercise all your muscle groups. Intensive interval training combined with circuit training exercises is possibly the best way to lose weight. You need to get your heart rate high for short bursts by doing sprints (running, cycling, rowing all work equally well) and also work your whole body with squats, push ups, crunches, mountain climbers and other circuit training exercises.

Weight training is also a very effective way to burn more fat. It is recommended that in addition to doing this 15 minute abs workout you also do some basic beginners weight training exercises to help strengthen and tone the entire body. Getting a flat stomach requires much more than just perform stomach exercises.

These stomach exercises can form part of a regular full body exercise routine, and will certainly strengthen your abs to help you start to develop a flat stomach and six pack.

Remember that if your aim is to lose stomach fat and tone your mid-section then you need to be performing some intensive cardio workouts as well as doing these ab toning exercises.

In addition to this, you also need to ensure that your diet is very healthy and provides enough protein to aid muscle development but fewer calories that your body needs to promote fat burning. Learn more by reading our articles on losing weight.

Abdominal cycles and bicycle crunches

Abdominal Cycles, also known as bicycle crunches, are thought to be the best stomach exercise you can do. Many fitness instructors believes that these are even more effective than crunches, and certainly much better than a sit up. These are an excellent way to work your core and form an essential part of a weight loss plan.

To do a bicycle crunch start by lying on your back in a crunch / sit up position. Place your feet flat on the mat with your legs about 45 degrees. Place your hands behind your head and gently hold.

To start raise your shoulders off the floor and then bring your right knee upwards and twist your torso slightly so that your left elbow meets your right knee. Then smoothly twist and switch legs so that as each knee is raised you twist and meet it with the opposite elbow.

You should perform this with a smooth and continuous motion as if you are riding a bicycle. This is an excellent abdominal exercise that will help you develop a 6 pack and tone the stomach muscles. However, do not hope to lose core fat just by doing these exercises, for that you need to burn the fat off first.


Natural bodybuilding workouts for bigger abs

The three videos below, exercises demonstrated include hanging leg raises, modified crunches and seated leg raises / V-sits on the bench. These are some of the best core bodyweight exercises that can tone and strengthen. Building athletic muscle requires more focus on muscular endurance, and bodyweight training is preferable to intensive weight training lifting very heavy weights.

Emphasis on these workouts is good form and control during the workouts. These videos feature Michael Ferencsik, a professional fitness consultant that is considered to be one of the top natural bodybuilders in the world.

Hanging Leg Raises:

Modified Crunches

Seated Leg Raises / V sits

Boxers / martial artist abdominal workout

All martial artists train their core intensively, as it helps to improve strength, stability and agility, all of which are essential in the ring. Boxing workouts traditionally include many core workouts using “old school” exercises such as leg raises and gym equipment such as medicine balls.

If you want to train your core, then choosing a basic boxing ab workout is a good place to start. For this workout you will need a partner and a medicine ball. This is a classic old school fitness training.

The exercise in this video demonstrates the medicine ball catch and toss, which is designed to strengthen the rectus abdominis (abs) and obliques.

This is a very simple exercise for two people to perform, and pretty standard in boxing gyms and martial arts clubs the world over. Often this exercise would be performed as part of the main conditioning part of a martial art class, generally for about 60 seconds before partners swap places.


You can do a very similar exercise on your own given some space and a large flat wall. To do so on each sit up throw a medicine ball (not a hard one) at a wall in front of you.

Ideally the ball will land and bounce before coming to meet your hands on each throw so that it does not interrupt your set.

It takes some practice but means that you can perform an abs medicine ball exercise by yourself.

Is spot reduction of fat possible?

We at MotleyHealth have firmly believed for some time now that spot reduction is not possible. Although many people think that exercising one body part, usually the stomach, will help to reduce fat in this area, this is not true. Well, that has been our stance, until we unearthed research which makes other suggestions. Spot reduction of fat may actually be possible – although not to the extent that many people hope for!

The argument against spot reduction

Body fat does not respond to the presence of muscle, and cannot be worn down through exercise. Where we accumulate fat is largely dependent on gender, age and genetics.

Women accumulate more subcutaneous fat (the fat beneath the skin) than men do, which causes larger bottoms and thighs and loose skin under the arms.

Men on the other hand produce visceral fat first, which is the fat that surrounds internal organs. This is why some men can develop beer guts and remain lean elsewhere. Visceral fat poses the greatest health risk, which is why men are more likely to develop heart problems than women.

The only way to reduce fat from one area of the body is to reduce total body fat. And the only way to do this is to exercise vigorously, combining intensive cardio training with resistance training. Following a healthy diet is also essential, however diet alone cannot easily shift visceral fat, which is the reason why so many people struggle to lose their stomach fat and show off their abs.

With a simple understanding of how fat accumulates, and how it is burnt off, spot reduction must be impossible. But is this the full story?

The Argument for Spot Reduction

Some limited research by physiologists has actually indicated that fat deposits, specifically subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat under the skin) does show signs of responding to weight-bearing exercise. Fat cells immediately adjacent to new muscle tissue appears to reduce.

In one study there was actually significant reductions in abdominal fat in women that had exercised their stomachs, and in another study of men, the effect of squats on fatty tissue around the knees was examined, the result indicated that fat cells in close proximity to newly formed muscle tissue were more likely to decline than in other areas of the body.

Possibly the strongest evidence to support the idea of spot reduction of fat is from research carried out by the Department of Medical Physiology, University of Copenhagen. It found that weight-bearing exercise increased lipolysis (fat burning) in subcutaneous tissue (SCAT):

In conclusion, blood flow and lipolysis are generally higher in SCAT adjacent to contracting than adjacent to resting muscle irrespective of exercise intensity. Thus specific exercises can induce “spot lipolysis” in adipose tissue. (Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 292: E394-E399, 2007. First published September 19, 2006; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00215.2006 0193-1849/07)

So, is spot reduction possible?

In reality people have found that exercising a specific body part does not lead to spot reduction. There may be very small localized changes to fatty tissue but this is not enough to make any real noticeable difference.

The key is still to train the entire body to lose total body fat content. If you have unlucky genetics the weight will come of the are you are targeting last, and there is nothing you can do about that.

Some people appear to actually burn fat off with spot reduction, but while even they think they are, they are not. For example, often you may see someone in a gym performing hundred of crunches and other core exercises. They may well tell you it is to burn fat, and they may appear to have succeeded. However, the reality is that it is their overall approach, their diet and their intensive cardio sessions combined with a lot of stomach exercises that has won them a flat stomach. They just do not realise this. They may actually benefit from less stomach exercises!

Final notes

The world’s most powerful abdominals will still not make a six pack if they’re hidden. It’s almost everybody’s desire to get attractive six pack abs. Learn how to get a six pack fast with this abs routine.

Exercising the core muscles, the abs (rectus abdominis) and obliques, is something that just about every person trying to lose weight, keep fit, build muscle, train for sports or running, does at some point. It is also the way to develop a six pack, i.e. the well defined abdominal muscles on the stomach.

There are many different methods available to develop these muscles, from martial arts and boxing training methods, to yoga and Pilates, as well as weight training and bodybuilding. Rather than try to evaluate each form of exercise to determine which one is “best” you should try them and see what works best for you.


161 Comments on “Abdominal Exercises To Tone And Strengthen Your Stomach”

  1. MotleyHealth says:

    You need to just do more exercise really. If you are carry fat on your stomach then you are eating too much. You need to either reduce what you eat, especially the daily chocolate (sugar) or exercise more., ideally both.

  2. I am really short and most people say that most shot people wont look nice skinny and I’ve been trying so hard to lose my belly. Seems nothing is working for me. Do I need to cut my daily food eating habits to loose belly or I can still loose it with just exercise?

  3. MotleyHealth says:

    Heather, you have to adjust your diet, and that means reducing your daily calorie intake and changing what you eat. Take a look at our list of GI foods and only eat the low ones whenever you can. Eat less, smaller portions. If you get hungry eat a healthy snack (such as 1 piece of fruit). Exercise intensively too. You need to keep increasing the amount of work you do in a workout. Whether you go faster or exercise for longer is up to you. Going faster is effective though.

  4. hi again, I’m going on holiday on the 26th of July and quite worried about my weight. I am 9st 13lbs and I am 5ft 2 inch have you got any tips to get my stomach flatter and the rest of my body in general thinner? Could I possibly loose 1 stone in 4 weeks? or have you any specific diets I could go on please help.

  5. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Monique. Full body workouts with bodyweight training, intensive cardio training and weight training is the answer every time. Plus a lean diet, fewer calories and low sugar / GI. 1 stone in 4 weeks is asking a lot, but you can certainly try. Work as hard as you can and you can only do your best.

  6. Hi guys, I don’t want to loose all my body weight. I think I’m OK but I want to lose belly fat so how can I do this without loosing all body weight. Please help coz every time I try to lose belly fat I have to start dieting which leads to me loosing all my body weight,thanks

  7. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Heather. The key really is exercise and healthy diet. If you just go on a restrictive diet you are likely to lose lean muscle tissue as well as fat which causes a lose in bodyweight. You need to eat a lean diet with plenty of protein and fiber and also do intensive exercise and weight training. This is the method that all the popular fitness ebooks use – exercise and nutrition.

  8. Zendan Townsley says:

    can I get a flat stomach with this?

  9. I am sixteen years old and have an extremely slow metabolism, but I am pretty active (so I don’t understand why).When I was little, I was really skinny, but–once puberty hit–I gained some serious weight. I am currently 5 ft. 4 inches and I weigh about 140 lbs. I really want to weigh around 125 but I cannot get this 15 lbs. off of me, no matter what!!! I run three miles a day, and have done so for a long time now, but I NEVER see any good results! I have pretty nice, muscular legs and small arms but I carry all my weight around my middle (especially where my hips are). PLEASE HELP ME!

  10. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Hannah. How do you know that you have a slow metabolism? Was this reported after a medical examination, i.e. a thyroid stimulating hormone test? If you know that your metabolism is slow then you just need to adjust your diet accordingly. A slow metabolism should mean that you burn food slower and feel full for longer, so you should not be craving food as much. If you are overeating, then this may simply be a sign that your metabolism is normal but your diet is not perfect.

    As for exercise, start doing some interval sprints. Intense interval training has been shown to produce better results in terms of both fitness and weight loss than steady running. All you have to do is add a few short sprints to your 3 mile run. Near the end of the run sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds and then jog, once recovered (a couple of minutes) repeat.

    Also do some bodyweight exercises and weight training. If you were skinny as a child then this indicates that you have less muscle tissue than average. Build some muscle and this will help increase your metabolism.

  11. MotleyHealth says:

    You certainly can, especially if you eat a lean, low sugar diet as well. All the amateur kick boxers that I know are extremely fit and well toned with flat stomachs.

  12. After a few weeks of doing this I have seen little results I’ve tripled the amount of sets and I still see little results. Maybe you can suggest a better workout for me. I have allot of weight in my hips and tummy but I have a muscular leg and chest build.

  13. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Chaz, I assume that you are trying to lose weight as well as strengthen your abdominals? For that you need to look at your diet and reduce calories slightly to see if you can lose some of the fat on your hips and tummy. Full body workouts would be best for you, a combination of bodyweight circuit training and weight training.

  14. Hey,
    I am 14 years old 5″2 and 116 pounds. Should I be worried? Is there also any ways for me just to burn the belly fat! A flatter stomach is basically all I’m wishing for!

  15. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Asia, you are a healthy weight according to your height/weight. Do you exercise? If not, do some exercise for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week. Find a sport or activity that you can learn and progress in. There is something for everyone, so get out there and find out what it is for you.

  16. hi guys i just wanted to ask if its true that if you drink warm water daily it will help flatten your tummy.

  17. MotleyHealth says:

    No. Well, if you replace all other drinks with water (temperature will make difference) then that will help you lose weight, as many drinks contain a lot of calories.

  18. Hi, its me again. Well I’m going on a holiday in two weeks time so I wanted to ask you guys a specific workout that I can follow to lose my bell fat not my body fat.

  19. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Heather, there really is not wonder workout to help you lose belly fat in 2 weeks. Diet is the key, eat lean, cut out ALL sugar, processed, junk food etc. Do intensive exercise every day – one day intensive interval training, the next weight training. Work hard, eat lean. In 14 days you can make some changes, but certainly not do a major transformation.

    The “31 day fat loss cure” is certainly worth a look, although you will only get halfway through if you buy it today. But no reason why you cannot carry on during or after your holiday.

  20. thanks you guys are the best

  21. Hi, Im a 16 yr old girl and im about 5 ‘3, meaning im kinda short. My breasts are a DD despite my age and I have a pretty big butt. That I want to keep but my problem is my tummy, which I dont like. Even though I hav a great shape,I have a short torso and long lower body What exercises and dieting would u recommend? I wouldnt mind cardio since I want 2 tone the rest of my body but as 4 dieting, i hate water. R there any alternatives, r do I have to just suck it up.

  22. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Chan. Firstly, how can you hate water? Learn to love water by drinking NOTHING but water for 2 weeks. Secondly, you cannot spot reduce fat, so it is lose total body fat or nothing. The only way to do this effectively is to change your diet (low GI, less sugar, smaller portions) and exercise. Light cardio will not help, unless you do lots (over 1 hour 7 days a week). Even then results will be slow. Work your whole body, and work it hard.

  23. So what exercises do you recommend I do?

  24. Genevieve says:

    Hi i was wondering how can i get rid of my stretch marks and get a flat belly?And by doing those abd excercises will I see good results??thanks

  25. I’m a 24 year old dude that was just lookin for a quicker way to lose a lil left over belly fat and love handles so I ended up here on this site. First off I would like to say I recently ordered the insanity program from beach body in must say it is truly what they named it (insane). However hard as it was I got though it, at the end of the sixty day program I lost 19lbs and crazy inchs around the waist and belly I went from 197 to 178 and now have way more energy and feel like I’m in killer shape. I can actually dunk on the ball court again like back in high school lol. That said, great product but not enough ab workouts on it. I had great results but still no six pac like I’d hoped, my diet is good- so is my motivation I just need to know what ab workouts to do to get rid of this last bit of belly fat in tone up some rock hard abs and how quick can I see a clean pac come in if doing this workout daily along with my insanity workouts? Answer me back ASAP please. thanks!

  26. MotleyHealth says:

    A combination of high intensity circuit training and compound weight training exercises with free weights.

  27. MotleyHealth says:

    Genevieve, stretch marks can be helped with almond oil. As for losing belly fat, diet is the real key. These abs exercises will tone and strength abdominal muscles, but to lose the fat you need a robust diet and exercise program.

  28. MotleyHealth says:

    Dezz, for that 6 pack you just need to keep up with the diet and workouts. Less sugar and lots of weight training and cardio work. Hit the abs from all angles and trim that belly fat.

  29. Genevieve says:

    ARight….but what type of diet should i go on????any names in particular????can’t i just eat less and keep on excercsing…..watch what i do is some abdominal excersises and then i run a lap around the park…..is that good?

  30. MotleyHealth says:

    That will certainly help. Take a look at our MCD Weight Loss Plan for ideas on exercises and diet.

  31. hi I’m 6 feet and 135 lbs. I’d like to lose about 15 pounds so I can end up around 120 at the most. will this workout help at all if I don’t have a lot of belly fat?

  32. MotleyHealth says:

    Yes Kelly, this workout will help, but it is not the best way to go about it. Better would be to cut out sugar from your diet and do a combination of intensive cardio work and weight training. Take a look at our MCD Weight Loss Plan for more ideas.

  33. helo, what if i dont want to do these exercise and have flat abs….can I? Im slim,but i dont know why my abs just cant be flat, its abit round…waking up in the morning its still flat but after eating it will bcome rounder….how can i keep it flat for the whole day? advice plz :)

  34. breon smith says:

    trying to loose belly fat and arm fat

  35. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Breon. You need to do 3 things:

    1. Improve your diet – learn to follow a healthy diet to help control weight.
    2. Exercise you arms to build muscle – push ups and curls are the best exercises.
    3. Exercise your whole body intensively to burn fat, build muscle and raise metabolism. Full body workouts and weight training are both excellent choices.

  36. I am going into the navy and i need to lose 10 pounds by feb 2011. will this workout help me?

  37. MotleyHealth says:

    Probably not Alicia. To lose weight you need to restrict calories and do intensive exercise, both cardio and weight training (ideally). You have about 3 weeks until Feb, so you should be able to lose around 6-9 pounds if you really go for it. Eat a very lean diet (all meals must be small). No bread or other wheats, no snacks and no juice. And train hard – getting fitter is essential anyway. Take a look at our two military routines: running and weight training.

  38. Hi, I’ve heard that sit-ups are the least effective way to lose belly fat. Is this true? What exercises would you recommend to get a flat stomach fast?

  39. This is a very nice video. I am going to gym 5 days a week. But i am not satisfied with the daily routine in the gym and was looking for a small workout which will shows effect on stomach. This video has given me sufficient info for my need.

    Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Hey i just started off with this workout.
    I am really keen on losing weight fast. will this help?
    Also, can you recommend some workout which helps toning the arms.
    Thanx a lot!

  41. Chris brown Lover Always says:

    I so love him he is so my idol since 2005 he has been such a role model and inspiration, I hope I can do a diet like him, and teambreezy we also have something in common. I dance everyday since I was 5, I sing everyday and write songs since I was 6 I play basketball most weeks, and b4 I dropped outta school I got picked to be head captain in basketball. I love u so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  42. Hi, I am a amatuar kickboxer. What sort of exercises should I be doing and what type of diet should I have to pack on muscle and reduce fat.

    Thank You.

  43. rose fernando says:


  44. Hi,

    I am 5’4 and 108lbs. No matter what I eat I can’t gain weight and I’m stuck with this weight which is low for my height. And I am in my late 20s and even after giving birth my weight dropped fast. I consume a lot of sugars and never watch wat I eat. The problem is that if I do and eat healthier my weight drops and I don’t want that. My mom has the same metabolism and weights the same as in her 20s so it is in my genes. What I need is to tone my stomach but I don’t want to lose weight by cutting all the sugars. What can I do? Right now my only exercise is dancing and I dance 3 to 4 times a week for about an hour. Thanks in advance.

  45. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Angelina, hit the gym. Do some weight training to tone your muscles, focus on big movements -squats, deadlift, bent-over rows, curls. Take in more protein, eggs for breakfast, fish, chicken etc. for lunch and dinner. And work your core too. Keep everything else the same – keep dancing and just add a little protein to your current diet.

  46. Stephanie says:


    I’ve been going to the gym for 11 weeks, and Iv’e lost 15 pounds. I used to weigh 145lbs and now I weigh 130, and I am 5’1. My target goal weight was 135 but now I see that I am still losing more weight. I exercise 4 times weekly, and do intensive cardio workouts after each session. I reduced my calorie intake, eliminated fruit drinks, and tried eating more protein like lean meats, eggs, etc. but I still would eat bread but whole grain, or brown rice, or whole wheat pasta but I always measured portions. Iv’e noticed a big difference in my stomach, but I still have that lower pouch. Should I eliminate the rice, and bread completely even if it is whole grain or brown rice. And what would you say is a reasonable consumption of sugar for a person of my weight and height, because I have reduced my consumption of sugar tremendously but I don’t know if I should take it a step further.

    Are diet snack bars bad for you also? For example Special K granola Bars?

    Thank You

  47. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Stephanie, sounds like you are making great progress. Keep pushing your fitness and also look for ways to cut additional calories. Smaller portions is one way. Brown rice is not really bad, it is just a matter of not eating too many calories. Snack bars are not unhealthy, but they do add to your daily calories.

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