The Health Benefits Of Running and Jogging

Young woman jogging through the parkRunning is one of the best types of exercise and is very good for your health. It provides a great cardiovascular workout, and it also strengthens your muscles. Some people believe that we are born to run and it is one of the most natural forms of exercise.

Regular jogging not only improves cardiovascular fitness, it has also been shown to have other health benefits, including mental health benefits such as helping to manage depression and anxiety. Most importantly for many people, running is a good way to lose weight and generally get fitter.

Regular running and jogging is a good way to improve your health and fitness. You do not need to become a marathon runner to benefit greatly from running.

You also should not be overly concerned about long-term damage to joints such as knees, ankles and hips, as a result of running because with good quality running shoes and a sensible approach, the risks are minimal, and the benefits of being fitter outweigh those possible risks. Read this article if you do have, or have had, an ankle injury: Running With an Ankle Injury.

The cardiovascular improvements that jogging provides are of greatest importance to many people as makes the heart stronger and more efficient, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and heart failure. The improvements in blood circulation and respiratory health which result from regular exercise is essentially what we call “fitness“.

Running also speeds up the digestive system and can help to relieve digestive problems. Many people who live a sedentary lifestyle develop digestive problems that can be improved with a healthier diet and some regular exercise.

Does Jogging Help You To Lose Weight?

Jogging makes you burn fat and thereby helps to lose weight. In addition to increasing metabolism, jogging is an effective way to burn more calories, which helps you lose weight. If calories consumed in food are less than calories spent during exercise and other daily activities, you will lose weight. It is impossible not to! Many people have learned how to lose weight by starting a running program.

Jogging helps to reduce stubborn fat. Stubborn fat can be very hard to shift, but a running program can really help to cut down on the last of your stubborn fat. The key is to think long-term and always work on your fitness. Change can take a long time to come but the end result it much improved fitness and strength which makes maintaining a healthy weight so much easier.

If you suffer from poor appetite, jogging will improve your appetite. Along with all other forms of exercise – the harder you work, the more you need to eat to repair your muscles and refuel them. When you start to run longer distances you will start to eat to fuel your body, and may even find that you need to eat more food everyday, than you did when you were overweight. As you develop your running you need to ensure that you are eating well, so read up on some nutrition advice for runners.

The Benefits of Jogging

Jogging will strengthen the muscles and bone density of your legs, hips and back. Long distance runners have very strong legs, even though they often look very thin and weak. Running does not produce bulky muscles, like weight training or even circuit training does, but it does increase leg strength. Also, the constant impact caused during running can increase bone density, so long as you follow a healthy diet.

Running Daily

There are several benefits of running everyday too. As already mentioned, a daily run helps maintain your metabolism and burns more calories. It also improves cardiovascular fitness – daily exercise is recommended for this purpose. Also, making the habit of running every day helps you maintain your new fitness regime in the long-term – if running can be part of your daily routine, like cleaning your teeth and taking a shower, then you will never think about “working out”, as you will just be going about your daily life. Of course, it is nice to have some days off, such as at Christmas or while on holiday.

Jogging for Weight Loss

Of course, the main reason many people jog is to lose weight, and jogging is a good way to burn extra calories and increase your metabolism. Jogging alone will not lead to great results though, you will need to clean up your diet too.  In short, jogging is good for weight loss.

Advice on jogging with colds and flu

Research carried out by Professor Mike Gleeson from Loughborough University and presented to the Association for Science Education (ASE) Conference in January 2011 found that gentle aerobics, such as jogging, helps to ward off colds and flu by up to 33%. However, running long distances and training for a marathon will make you around 6 times more likely to pick up a virus.

It is not just jogging that helps to boost the immune system, a daily brisk walk has the same effect. The research found that most types of intensive exercise increases the chances of catching a cold. This is not really a new finding as many athletes and runners have been well aware of this all their lives!

Jogging and Depression

Running can counteract depression, as all forms of exercise can help people cope with depression – this is one of the lesser known benefits of running. It increases the capacity to work and lead an active life. The fitter you are, the more active you can be. There are so many more opportunities available to people who are healthier and fitter.

Running Improves Sleep

Jogging makes you sleep better. Also, if you exercise well, sleep comes much easier. One of the most important factors for improving fitness after exercise and diet is getting adequate sleep. Overtraining can occur if you do not rest properly.

Running is one of the simplest and most effective forms of exercise. It improves overall health, helps with weight loss and gets you fit. So, what is stopping you? Get started today!

802 Comments on “The Health Benefits Of Running and Jogging”

  1. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Ravina, that sounds like a pretty good exercise regime. You should next look at your diet, decrease sugar/empty carbs (bread etc.) and increase nutritious carbs (low GI vegetables). Plus get your healthy proteins and fats still.

  2. Hi! I just came across your site today and I really love your article.yes i do agree there are tons of benefits through jogging.I have a pear shaped body due to which its hard for me to look good in skinny jeans(hip fat only), I joined the gym to shed out those extra weights around my hip but rather i got my right thigh muscle (at the back) to get pumped( through recumbent bike) which looks really abnormal and very heart breaking(as i did not even do weight training)
    I did a lot to lose muscle mass in that area. i went under strict starvation, did HIIT, stopped eating meat,yet the muscle did not reduce. but i did hear that if you jog 45 min straight you lose muscle.

    Question: can i reduce my right thigh pumped muscle if i jog slow for 45 min followed by 30 min walk. also will this help me in reducing my hip fat completely?

    Thank You in advance

  3. MotleyHealth says:

    You must be naturally quite athletic to build muscle so easily, so that is a good thing. To lose fat you have to also diet, there is no other way. If you still have fat and muscle on the hips then trying to trim down the fat more may be a better solution that attempted to waste away the muscle.

    Have you changed your diet? Ideally go low GI and reduce calories, while still exercising. Rather than performing long low intensity cardio workouts (which may help you) you could instead also do bodyweight circuit training workouts. Although I do suspect that you may have toned your muscles while not losing much fat.

  4. Thank you for replying.actually i got my right thigh muscle pumped up not the hip. but i dont like the pumped look for my legs i naturally had very lean muscle but after working out on the recumbent bike its got slightly pumped.yes i am on a complete low fat and low carb diet also i am cutting down on protein to reduce the muscle mass on my right thigh.i am not a big fan of weight training and i dont prefer doing that at all as i develop muscle pretty quick.

    Question: i heard that slow jog for 45 min can help reduce muscle mass. IS that true? also if i slow jog for 45 min followed by walk can i reduce my hip fat and also reduce my thigh muscle?
    I really want to slim down my hips and reduce my thigh muscle.

    Thank you in advance

  5. MotleyHealth says:

    A slow job will not reduce muscle mass. Remember that there are 3 types of fat: visceral (stomach), subcutaneous (under the skin) and intramuscular fat (within the muscle). Your hips and thighs may still be carry extra intramuscular fat. Trying to reduce muscle will only reduce your metabolism and make it harder for you to burn fat. Carry on exercising, and look at your diet.

    If you are on low fat, low carb and reduced protein – what are you eating?

  6. Hi,

    I have been running off and on again for mos tof my life. I go off it as my knees start to get very sore and I find myself becoming out of breath while running. How should you breathe when I run? Growing up my Dad always said in through your nose and out through your mouth but i have heard recently this isn’t the case any more. How can I teach myself to breath the correct way to get the most out of my jogging?
    Thank you fro your time.

  7. MotleyHealth says:

    You should breathe as naturally and deeply as possible. Many runners breathe in through the mouth, and breathe from the belly. Try to keep the mouth / jaw relaxed as you run and get into a rhythm so that in time you breathe “naturally”. Many people inhale for 3-4 steps then exhale. 3 steps may be easier to learn as you will always inhale off the same foot.

  8. I am 24 years old and weigh about 140 pounds. I was active in school, but since I grauated I’ve gained about 15-20 lbs. I want to lose a little weight, but mostly I want to look and feel better. I’ve been thinking about jogging but have never been a runner, and I don’t know how to begin. Also, my work schedule is always changing, so I would be running at different times every day, is that OK?

  9. MotleyHealth says:

    Kate, what activities did you do in school? Maybe there are some sports clubs nearby that do similar activities? The best way to look and feel better is to eat a healthy diet and do some regular exercise. The chances are that you will tone up and lose a few pounds along the way too.

  10. Hi, i read some of the previous posts which says and some places its said that to perform some stretches before one runs so that give one a better blood flow and warm up. but don’t you think it causes muscle injury for a jogger or a runner because i used to be trained and my trainer was an athlete and played soccer and i have been told to give a good warm up not by stretches but by a 10-15mins jog. its just like bending a cold rigid bar of iron and a well heated one. i am well aware of your expertise but there are some of my friends here making a mistake and could cause them a muscle injury being emotional about losing weight and get fit. i myself have just started to jog past couple of days and i’m making it to jog about 2.5 miles fartleks incorporated with walks because i have just managed a routine. kindly, provide them a more proficient advise on warm ups. sometimes people forget. Thank you

    kind regards.

  11. MotleyHealth says:

    We shall update the article shortly. But yes, stretching should really only be done after a workout, not before. Stretching when cold does risk injury.

  12. Hi, I am 16 years old and I weigh 55kg and my height is 1.47cm. I’m not obese but just a little overweight. I started jogging around 10pm to help me lose weight. Is it possible for me to lose weight in 2 weeks time, maybe about 2-5kg because when I come back to school, I want my friends to see some changes in me. I’ve also started to eat less. And should I be embarrassed when I’m jogging/running because I feel like everyone is looking at me because I’m not skinny. Please help!

  13. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Julie. Eating a healthier diet will help you to lose weight. Do not feel embarrassed about running, nobody is watching you! You can lose weight in 2 weeks, although 2kg is probably about as much as you could manage, if you followed a very strict diet of around 1200 calories a day, with mostly low GI fruits and vegetables and lean protein sources. You may find that you lose more weight and tone up (to look better) with bodyweight exercises as well as jogging.

  14. MH,

    Just wanted to say a big thanks for answering all the questions so well, i had a lot of questions but i think you have already answered them from other people. Thanks for taking the time to provide such great answers.

  15. Hi, I am 14 years old and 70kg, 5 feet and 5inches tall. I was thin at the age of 13 and suddenly I got fat and got acne. Now I really want to get slim but in a healthy way. Do you think running is a good option to go for. And do you think it is better to eat small portions aswell as running everday.

  16. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Dorothy, running is a good option, and yes, you need to eat smaller portions too. Running will not burn off enough calories to compensate eating too much. A 5 mile run will burn around 300 calories, that is just one sandwich or a couple of glasses of orange juice. So diet is as important as exercise.

  17. Hellooo,

    im joey, im about 5’9′ & 21 yrs old, somewhat average body size. Ive noticed over time i started to gain a little weight from being lazy, I dont know exactly how much i weigh, definetely no more then 180 but i wanna start running & excersizing again…

    Question 1 is how much should a average male like myself jog a day and how many days a week to begin to see progress?

    Question 2 is does running help u loose wieght in the face (cheeks) wise and does it tone all other muscles in your body such as chest and arms?

  18. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Joey. How much to jog? Many people run a few miles every day, others run 5-10 miles most days. How much you run is a personal choice really. Build it up slowly and find a place that you are comfortable with.

    Progress with jogging is not immediate though, it can take a couple of months as you have to start to improve your fitness. As with any new exercise regime your body will suffer more in the first weeks while the muscles go through the first recovery cycles, this will prevent your cardiovascular system working as hard as it may want to. In time you will get fitter and stronger and be able to work yourself harder. This is when the real gains start.

    As for toning the face, chest and arms. Running will help you reduce overall body fat, so yes, the cheeks will in time reduce, but your genetics play a role here in determining how quickly you will see a change there. For arms and chest, there will not be much in the way of toning, just fat reduction. Best do push ups, dips, shoulder press and curls to work the upper body too.

  19. Hey im 20 and i dnt weigh much bt i jst want to lose my belly fat is joggin good for me if yes hw much shud i jog and if no den wt other exercises shud i do

  20. MotleyHealth says:

    I Fatema. Jogging is good, you should try to work up to a daily job of 3 miles. Other good ways are bodyweight exercises such as squats, burpees, push ups, leg raises, crunches and mountain climbers.

  21. Hi MH! I’m a 15 year old girl and need to tone up and lose weight, in a healthy way! I’m looking to find a routine I can stick to long term instead of quick fix. Jogging/running really interests me, what would be the best way for me to use it to my advantage?

  22. MotleyHealth says:

    Well, just do it! Start running as soon as possible. Get a good pair of shoes and just start. Aim to run 15 minutes a day to start with (walk/jog, try not to stop if you can) and build it up slowly. Increase speed and distance / time running. Remember to eat a healthy diet too though, as this will help your muscles grow and also help you to burn more fat.

  23. I have been running walking about 4 days a week for the last three months. Normally about 1-2 miles a day. I have recently increased to 2 miles a day 4 days a week. I am also watching what I am eating.
    I haven’t lost a pound, but have definietly dropped a size. Is this normal not to be losing any weight?

  24. MotleyHealth says:

    It is normal. Firstly, your diet mostly determines how much fat you store, and 2 miles jogging a day is not burning a lot of calories, a 90kg person will burn roughly 115 calories. That is 1 slice of bread.

    You will also start to build more muscle on your legs, which is denser than fat. So it is likely you have lost some fat, and built some muscles, and it as balanced out a bit.

    You need to increase you exercise regime, maybe add some bodyweight training, and also take another look at the diet – cut calories, cut empty carbs / junk food.

  25. When I go for jog, my knees and back bone sometimes hurt. What kind of best prevention can I use while I enjoy my jogging time?

  26. MotleyHealth says:

    Willie, you may benefit from a pair of more suitable running shoes. Find a local running store that will examine your running style and recommend shoes that provide better support. Also try to keep your footwork light. Do some core exercises too as extra muscle in the core helps to support the spine.

  27. elliot waite says:

    hi names elliot waite from auckland new zealand im 20 years old 5 foot 8 im bout 79kgs and wana lose 10kgs im training for a marathon at the end of the year auckalnd marathon how can i get motivation to jog/run at 6am in the morning how can i get up and stay awake and start to get eager for jogging at 6am iv never ben able to jog at 6am and i wana start doing it i also play cricket im a bowler (learning to become a fast bowler) any tips? how i can get better and faster and how long will it take for me to lose 10kgs from 79kgs to 69kgs thnks

  28. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Elliot. The first step to running at 6am is to make sure you are in bed by 10pm or you will be too tired. Tiredness kills motivation. How to stay motivated? Remember your goals – to run a marathon and get fitter to be a fast bowler. It could take a while for you to lose 10kg, maybe anything up to 6 months. You focus should really be on becoming a better runner and improving strength. Do core exercises as these develop muscles that will support the spine, vital for fast bowlers and runners alike. You should try to put on some more muscle too so this will mean that you may not reach your weight target anyway. Focus on getting fitter and stronger, and eat a healthy diet with plenty of lean proteins and vegetable based carbohydrates.

  29. Wonder if someone could answer my Q’s, I have been running approx 10k’s per day for about 4 months. I have no got to the stage that none of my jeans fit and I have gained 7kilos.. Something I did not want to happen. Anyone got any advice? I do notice that my inner thighs and hips have become quite large to what they used to be !! Help

  30. Jhong Dizon says:

    i jog almost everyday for 1 hour… i do some different speed on jogging. i jog slow on the first 15 mins then a little faster on the other 15 mins and vice versa until i reach 1 hour. it really helped me a lot. i measured my waistline a month ago and it was 35 inches. not its 33 inches. i did not lose much weight but i gain lean muscle. i have been jogging for almost a year now and i love it… my weight before i started doing my exercise and cardio was 195 lbs… now im only 150 lbs in just 1 year and 6 mos :)

  31. MotleyHealth says:

    Excellent Jhong Dizon!

  32. Hi, I’m a single mother with children of 2. I work full time as well and run my own business. I hardly have any time for myself. But I started to “jog” about to weeks ago because I’m so sick and tired carrying my muffin top around.

    I weigh about 164lbs right now and would love to lose at least 30lbs. I run every other day of the
    week and alternate weekends at 5am. I run
    5miles… With hills and flat road

    I start of with speed walk till I feel like I’m then I start jogging for a block or two, then I start
    running faster for a block then I jog Then I sprit for a block and then I speed walk again anyways I alternate my speed … My routines difference depends how I’m feeling but always pushing myself for endurance and speed . I hope this is good for me to burn my fat.

    Butttt…. I do drink one or two bottle of beer daily :/ does it really make a bigg different on my losing weigh? Or what souls you suggest of minimal of alcohol I can in take

    Your response is greatly appreciated. Thank you

    I start off with speed walk for my warm up till I feel more loose up “warm up

  33. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Jojo, unfortunately beer is really not good if you are trying to lose weight. But keep up with the running, as you get fitter you will be able to work harder, which means burning more fat and building stronger muscles. Try to go a few days without beer. Also cut back on bread and other empty carbs. Beer is essentially a lot of carbohydrate and alcohol, both of which provide a lot of energy that stops you burning fat.

  34. Hi there! I started jogging since Oct. 2010, i only run during weekends coz i go to work during weekdays. My usual lap lasts almost an hour and half and i just notice that after running my appetite speeds up and as a result, i tend to eat more… why is that? thanks for the help!

  35. MotleyHealth says:

    That is quite normal, but you have to resist the temptation to eat until you are full, as you will end up over eating and this will make losing weight harder (if that is your goal). Proteins are vital for muscle repair and regrowth, and you will need to refuel (carbohydrate).

  36. i have a slim upper body but fat and out of shape thighs. i slow jog for 30 min at 8km/hr . can it help me gain weight in upper body at the same time reduce the thighs.

  37. MotleyHealth says:

    No Poonam, jogging will have not effect on your upper body. You need to work those muscles, so push ups, bench press, shoulder press, dumbbell rows, bentover rows, pull ups, curls and tricep extensions – for starters.

  38. Treadmill Traci says:

    Have you considered HIIT as part of a running routine? I have had great success doing intervals on my treadmill at home. I’ve heard it helps with muscle growth and that it can help burn fat faster. Maybe you should investigate and do a write up on this as well. I’ve lost 15 pounds in about 2 months doing this routine, which is basically 20 second sprints followed by a few minutes of light jogging, and keep alternating back and forth. I think it works great, just an idea for a tip to share with your readers.

  39. MotleyHealth says:

    We have many articles on HIIT.

  40. Hi
    I’m inspired by your article to start exercising. I want to lose thigh fats but not to build up any muscle. Which is better? Running or jogging?

    Please advise. Thanks! =)

  41. MotleyHealth says:

    I would say that they are almost equal. There is a fine line between running and jogging, and if you have not done either for a while you may take a while to cross it anyway, so start with jogging and see where that takes you.

  42. Hello, I’m 16 and I weigh 114 115 and 5’1. 5’2. I’m start track in a week or so but my parents aren’t really in shape so I can’t really get help from them… I was so seeing if I woulda gain muscle and loose fat. I’m doing long distance and practice is monday-friday from 3:15-5:30 will I get what I want? And do you have a recommendations on what my eating habit should be. I’m so determined!

  43. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Drea, 2 hours training 5 days a week will certainly get you in shape. It is important to eat a healthy diet as that training will put a lot of stress on the body, and you will need proteins and vitamins to make yourself stronger.

  44. Okay thanks so much! But I do have another question. I’m a vegetarian how do I get more protein?

  45. I read every single post and loved all of your advice. Keep it up!
    A quick background on me: I’ve recently started jogging monday-friday for 45 mins a day. (works out to 6-7km and it will no doubt increase)
    I’m eating extremely healthy now too. I’m looking to add weight training on sunday to my regime as I want to bulk up my upper body. (my parents place has a gym and I visit on sundays)

    My question: Will weight training once a week make much of a difference?


  46. MotleyHealth says:

    Yes it will. Make that a good workout, hit all the body, a full routine, then it should do you well. If once a week is your only option then it is certainly better than none!

  47. Hello :)

    I need ur help .

    I’m a lady . Height 155cm . Weight 73kg .
    I’m trying to lose weight . So will my plan help me to lose weight ?

    Jogging 4 times a week for 45 mins .
    Home cardio 2 times a week .
    Rest for 1 day .

    As for food intakes . I will be cutting down fats , sweet drinks and etc . Putting in more vegetables and fruits in my diet . :)

    Will this work ? Do you have any tips for me ? :)
    Btw i read some comments above that they gain weight instead of losing weight . Will this happen even if i control my appetite ?

    Thanks in advance ! :))

  48. MotleyHealth says:

    The plan sounds good. People gain weight for two reasons: 1. They build some new muscle before they have burnt any fat off. 2. They simply eat too much thinking that exercise means you need to eat more.

    Control your diet, eat healthy fats, proteins and low GI carbs, drink only water and you will do well.

  49. Hey there MH! I’m currently 5’9″ and weigh about 156 lbs. I recently started jogging twice a week for 4 miles each of those days. I am trying to get a six pack. I do ab work outs twice a week as well. Will jogging help me get my abs more defined?

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