The Best 20 Minute Workout To Get Fit At Home

20 minute workout

How To Get Fit At Home

This is a good 20 minute home workout to help you to get fit and healthy at home. It’s also a great way to lose fat fast, as it works your whole body. The more work you put in, the more fat that will fall off! You can always find time to get a 20 minute cardio workout into your daily schedule, and this is the best 20 minute workout you can do!

The workout starts with a warm-up jog and then has 8 bodyweight exercises designed to help tone and burn fat. All the exercises are traditional old school fitness exercises that are performed in martial arts clubs, aerobics classes and gyms the world over.

This quick home workout routine is designed to improve both cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance. It is also great for toning the body, so you can use this as a home-based 20 minute toning workout too.

Perform each exercise as intensively as possible and then rest for up to 30 seconds before moving on to the next one. Always ensure that you perform the exercises correctly, holding proper form, especially in the hip bridges and squat thrusts. Breath deeply and naturally throughout.

This 20 minute circuit workout targets the whole body, improves cardiovascular efficiency and tones and strengthens the body. This workout is a great way to prepare for a more serious circuit training workout. This twenty minute workout also requires no equipment, so you really can do it anywhere.

The 20 Minute Workout Routine

1. Jog in one place for 3 minutes

Simple light jogging on the spot. This does not have to be intensive, so no high knees or jumping around, it is just to gently warm you up for a few minutes before the main exercises.

2. Jumping jacks: 50 repeats

The classic old school cardio burner. Also known as the star jump, start by standing up straight with your feet together, then simply jump the feet out to the sides, just wider than shoulder width apart while lifting you hands upwards.

Return to normal standing position. When landing, bend your knees slightly to reduce the impact on knee joints.

3. Crunches: 15 repeats

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands at the sides of your head with your fingers lightly touching your temples, with elbows pointing outwards.

Try to keep your neck in a straight line with your spine, fixing a point on the ceiling above you is a good idea. Flex your waist to raise the upper torso from the floor so that you are “crunching” your abdominals.

Ensure that your abs are engaged (contracted) throughout the movement, hold for a second. Then lower yourself until the back of your shoulders touches the mat before repeating. Muscles worked: Abdominals

4. Hip Bridges: 10 repeats

Lie on your back with your arms straight and out by your side and palms facing upwards. With only the heels of your feet touching the floor lift your hips up to form a straight line from the shoulders to the knee.

Your legs should be almost vertical from the foot to the knee. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Squeeze your glutes (butt muscles) and then lower yourself. Muscle worked: Lower back, hamstrings and glutes.

5. Step ups: 1 minute

You will need a stepper for this. If you do not own a stepper then you can use the bottom step on a flight of stairs or a sturdy stool. Simply stand in front of the step and step up onto it.

Alternate your leading leg on each step, so left then right up onto the step, return with left first then right. Then on the next step lead with the right then left leg, return with right first. Repeat. Muscle worked: hamstrings, gluteus, quads.

6. Reverse crunches: 15 repeats

Lie on your back with your hands on your sides. Keep you knees bent. Bring your knees towards your head, till your hips come slightly off the floor. Hold this position for a second, and then lower your knees. Muscle worked: lower abs and obliques.

7. Mountain climbers: 1 minute

Get down on your hands and knees and raise your knees like a starting block sprinter.

Run in that position, supporting your upper body with the palms of your hands. Keep your back straight. Muscles worked: triceps, deltoid muscle, gluteus, quads, hamstrings, calves.

8. Push–ups: 15 repeats

The classic push, in the plank position with palms flat on the floor, point forward, about shoulder width apart. Muscles worked: triceps, deltoids, pectorals.

9. Squat thrusts: 1 minute

Stand straight. Now, drop to a crouch position. Immediately thrust your legs out straight behind on your toes, in push up position, now jump to pull legs back to the chest, in crouching position, then stand up straight. Muscles worked: arms, legs, chest, and lower back.

Cool down by walking around, until your heart rate starts getting back to normal, stretch.

A 10 Minute Circuit?

We tested this routine and the routine took 10 minutes to complete, however, for beginners it is best to take your time and rest more between each exercise. As you get fitter you should aim to go through this circuit twice to make it a full 20 minutes of high intensity exercise.

If you do it twice, there is need to do the 3 minute jog again – you may need to take a little more rest between exercises in the second round. We have also today increased the jumping jacks to 50 (was previously 25). If you do just one round then 25 really is not enough!

You should be able to perform this workout every day – in fact, it is highly recommended to do a 20 minute workout everyday for long-term health and vitality. If you wish to increase your exercise rate to get fitter and burn off even more fat, then use this as a circuit training workout and repeat it once or twice.

This simple 20 minute workout routine could be done twice a day, once in the morning before work and then again in the evening. A few readers have asked if we have a
the 20 minute workout video to go with this article, but at the moment we do not, sorry! This is a great way to get fit in 20 minutes, lose weight and lose weight as well as improve your overall fitness and mental well being!

456 Comments on “The Best 20 Minute Workout To Get Fit At Home”

  1. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Donna, this workout will help you. To be honest, just about any additional exercise which includes some resistance will help. One of the reasons why people gain a little extra weight is because there is a natural reduction in muscle mass which lowers metabolism. Eating habits (even healthy ones) rarely change in response, so weight gain starts. By doing some exercise you will burn off a few extra calories and also increase your strength and help to restore much of your muscle tissue,

  2. Hello, I’m 34 and 5′ ft. tall I weigh 154 I had my baby girl 20 months ago and can’t seem to shake this last 30 lbs of baby wt. I have been doing little exercises like jumping jacks, sit ups, running in place etc. around the house I have cut my cal intake to 1200 cal aday and drink nothing but water all this in the past 2 weeks. I want to try your workout and need to loose the wt by the end of oct. Do you think its possible? Do I need to do anything diff?

  3. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Crystal, it is possible but you need to work really hard. This workout should not be done alone really. Can you go running in your neighbourhood? That will help you to lose weight faster.

  4. Calories are a big fake it is not the same
    thing to eat 100 cals in celery as to 100
    in chocolate… or anything else at all.

    my sorces: Daily News

    It is just good to eat healthy food (Not Wheat) just a hint!!!!!!!

  5. MotleyHealth says:

    Thanks for the tip Megan :)
    Have you read our guide to healthy eating yet?

  6. I love this routine. I’m 5’5 and really obese. Could you help me in terms of food? What type of food should I take so that I can lose some weight. FYI I lost 2 kg after following this exercise. GBU

  7. MotleyHealth says:

    Good work on losing 2 kg Pixie, that is a great start. For diet, read our article on the Basics of Healthy Eating. That covers what to eat and how much to eat. Our Low GI Diet eBook will help you to learn about healthy eating too.

  8. Daniel Radcliffe (not confirmed) says:

    Hello there.
    recently I have been noticing that I need to start working out after my shirtless scene in one of the recent Harry potters. I have done this workout and it has helped me so much! Thank you,
    Daniel Radcliffe

  9. Im 18 , 5’2″ and 171 lbs..i did jumping rope for like 30 mins and warm up is like 10 that enough to help weight lose??

  10. MotleyHealth says:

    30 minutes of skipping is pretty intensive, that should help. Have you adjusted diet also?

  11. Yeah. I’m on diet but I don’t know what food I should eat for dieting, can you give me some idea???

  12. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Teresa, what diet are you on at the moment? Really losing weight is just a matter of reducing calories, eating a well balanced diet consisting of healthy foods and exercising on a very regular basis. Our diet and nutrition section has many articles which will give you a lot of great ideas.

  13. Hi, I am Amit from india, working with JP Morgan chase bank, i am 6.2 in height and weight around 125kg’s . Just bcoz of my height I don’t look as my work involves sitting at 1 work station. So there is lng foot work and I also avoid junk food and skip 1 meal everyday. Now please tell me if i follow this routine religiously will it make a difference.

  14. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Amit, yes it will make a difference. However, as you get fitter you should try to do more varied workouts. A daily cardio session (jogging, cycling, walking, swimming etc) plus a circuit training session will benefit you more and get faster results. Also you must sort out your diet. Skipping meals does not teach you how to eat healthy. Take a look at our nutrition section.

  15. hey guys,
    im 15, 5’6′, 144 pounds. how much weight can i lose by doing this? how many calories can i burn? i promised myself that i would eat healthy.
    thankyou for your time! :)

  16. Hello I’m 5’7 weigh 140 and built strong. I’m try to drop anywhere from 5-10 pounds,and focused on my abdominal and thighs. I’m finding it very difficult to tighten my inner thighs and my lower abdominal.Do you have any tips? No matter the weight I lose its never in the correct places. *sigh*

  17. Hi there! I’m 23 yr old female 5’2 and weigh 57 kg I know I’m in the normal weight range but in the last 2 months I have had nerve trouble in my leg and back and had to reduce how often I work and had to reduce intensity of exercising I have noticed I’ve gained 2 kg however it looks like I’ve gained more due to muscle tone loss and I was really happy with te way I looked and my fitness. With not being able to do intense workouts and be on feet for too long and I still eat healthy and have reduced the amount I intake due to the less exercise. What can I do to get back to my comfortable size please?

  18. Hi I’m Verneice
    I ran across this site trying to see what I could at home when I can’t get to the gym. I’m a 48 yr old female and is 5 ft and weight 140 lbs. I’m very small, but I have gain some belly fat. I’m sitting at work the majority of the time. When I can, I walk 2 to 3 days a week on a treadmill, but I’m losing weight in my legs. I’m already skinny. I can’t do crunches, because they make my back hurt. Sooo, do you think that if I do the jogging, jumping jacks,reverse crunches and push-ups, this will help me to lose weight around my stomach areas. Also if this help, I eat a lot of protein with vegetables, salads, occassional some carbs and sweets. Thanks for your suggestions.

  19. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Shilpa, impossible to say how much weight you will lose. Depends on how hard you exercise and what your diet is like, plus other lifestyle factors. Your BMI is 23.2 which suggests that you are already at a healthy weight, so focus on getting fitter and do not worry so much about weight.

  20. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Patty, we cannot control where we lose fat. To tighten in those areas you need to continue to focus on total body workouts and increase cardio to reduce fat more. Plus also perform more squats, lunges and reverse crunches or hanging leg raises (a harder exercise) to work the thighs and lower abs.

  21. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Tel, really you just have to make adjustments to your diet to reduce calories. Do as much exercise as you can comfortable do, take up less intensive forms of exercise such as walking and swimming, and look at other lifestyle factors that you could modify to increase activity and reduce calories without causing harm or discomfort (it may include drinking less alcohol and cutting out all snacks for example). Can you do some slower weight training exercises? This will help improve muscle tone too.

  22. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Verniece, this should all help. To lose weight (fat) we all really just need to do more cardio to increase daily calorie expenditure. A variety of exercises helps to work all the muscles which makes it easier to burn more calories by spreading the effort across the body rather than just running, for example. Maybe do more squats and lunges, these are great for toning the thighs, hips and also work the core slightly – plus they use the largest muscles to aid more fat burning.

  23. 19 years old 5’5 and im 191 lbs.its hard for me to go on a diet because i cant help but to eat alot and i always sleep in the afternoon like from 1pm til 3pm.and oh i have a baby already.and my tummy is big im pregnant again.i think i got this when i gave birth.and i realy hate seing my big tummmy.what exercise can you gve me so i can get back to my shape even if im justa at home.please help me i realy need it.thanks!

  24. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Moria, start by following this home workout. Try to do it twice a day. Also eat a healthy low GI diet.

  25. Workout aside, I hope things turned out well for Danni and her family. :)

  26. hi im a single mum with, a 2 year old little girl, who i had by c-section in the middle 2009 She always keeps me on my toes but it is my 21st in 3 weeks and my sister is planning a day out but im after getting rid of my baby belly ive tried diets and some exercise’s when i can but nothing is working do you have any ideas and what i should do or try? thanks.

  27. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Lisa, you have to do two things: exercise and eat a healthy, calorie reduced diet. There really is no magic cure, just hard work and determination. Start by doing this workout everyday and also get more active with walking, jogging, swimming etc. Diet is key though, a low GI diet plan can really help you to manage your appetite and aid weight loss.

  28. I’m 18 yrs old and i’m 5ft tall and weigh 57 kgs.
    however hard i try i’m unable to lose weight and look very fat because i’m short.please suggest a home workout pattern for me because i dont have time for gym.

  29. MotleyHealth says:

    abc, running could be your answer. Work on speed if you are short on time. Run for 20 minutes every day but aim to beat your personal best (in terms of distance) each week. If you can find a block or park to run around you can count laps.

  30. I am 40 yrs old, 6ft tall Nd weigh 295, I want to lose 75 pound. I carry my weight well so I don’t weigh less than 220. That is my goal weight but I need help. I would like to be there by next May, please tell me the best exercise to get it done. I have bum knee so its painful sometimes but I’m sure if I get the weight off that will help. Going thru. Divorce and I want my sexy back for me.

  31. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Raylet. In short, you need to exercise often. Ideally do something everyday. Walking, running, cycling, swimming, aerobics, dance – so long as you are exercising and your heart rate is up, you work up a sweat and are working hard, you are on the right track. Equally important is diet – healthy, nutritious, well balanced, controlled. If you knee hurts now then the best options may be swimming, elliptical training or cycling.

  32. hey i am a male and i was wondering if this work out is for men? and i want to tone up and get some of my muscle’s showing will this work out help me with that?

  33. Hey. I’m about 145lbs and 5’9″ am I a healthy weight or am I overwieght? How much calories should I consume a day? How many calories will this workout burn for me?

    Thanks! Really looking forward to losing weight!

  34. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Lauren, you are a healthy weight so should focus on making your diet healthier and getting fitter. This calorie table will give you an indication of how many calories you need. Depends largely on your age. This workout will burn about 180 Calories.

  35. Hi! I’m going to start your workout today and hope it goes well and will keep you posted. I’m a 19 years old female, 5’8 and 209 pounds.
    I cook my own food and use about 3 tablespoon of vegetable oil. I have yogurt everyday. I mostly eat chicken, veggies, fruits and beans. Is that good?
    I live in a high rise apartment, so is there any way I can exercise in my own house?
    I’m getting married in February 2012.

    How can I lose weight?

  36. Great work out idea. Thanks. I have 2 questions:
    1. If I were to do the work out twice in a row would you recommend doing each exercise twice in a row, or going through the 9 of them in order and then repeating them again in order?

    2. Does the order of the exercises matter? I dont like the mountain climber and squat thrusts, so id like to do them first to get them “out of the way” when i have more energy. Or is it best to leave them until the end?

    Thanks for your time.

  37. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Gerry, as this is a circuit you can really do what works for you – add more reps or repeat the circuit. The jogging and jumping jacks act as a warm up, you probably do not want to go straight into mountain climbers or squat thrusts and doing those back to back will be harder too. But ultimately, the sooner you develop your own workout that suits your own personal needs and abilities the better. All of these workouts are really just a guide to what can be done.

  38. Hello. I’m 16 and normal hight and I need to loose at least 4 kg but I’d like to loose a little more in 6-7 weeks.
    I struggle with drastic or really much change to my diet but I’m willing to do exurcises that can do the job for me.
    Please help..

  39. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Rebecca, really if you are not going to make major changes to your diet (and that is not always a bad thing at your age, you need lots of energy at the moment) then getting fitter is the key. Running is a great way to burn some calories which making yourself healthier and stronger. Start by running every other day and then build it up to running daily.

  40. 21. 5’6 150 lbs. Would like to get back down to 120. Lots of stress caused me to gain weight. HELP :(

  41. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Jessica, really you need to do a lot of exercise. This 20 minute routine should just be one of your daily routines if you wish to lose 30 pounds. Running would be a good option for the other. Also you need to improve your diet – determine why you have gained weight, find the causes (emotional eating, social eating / drinking, change in lifestyle habits?) and reverse them. You say stress caused you to gain weight so I guess the main problem was emotional eating (some people lose weight when stressed). Just do not buy junk food and avoid shops that sell it. Write a shopping list and only buy what it on the list (a great way to save money too). Rather than snack drink tea or coffee to take your mind off eating. And exercise also reduces the desire to eat. Take a look at our weight loss section too, so tips in there for managing appetite.

  42. How long will it take do you think to lose about 10-15 pounds?

  43. MotleyHealth says:

    Not possible to say for sure. If you create a daily calorie deficit of 500 Calories then in theory you will lose 1 pound a week. But that is 500 Calories less than you need every day, no days off. If you eat a health diet that gives you around about 250 Calories less than your body needs and then burn around 250 Calories with exercise then you create this deficit. But that assumes you know how many calories you need each day and how many calories are in the food that you eat. Just focus on getting fitter and eating a well balanced diet and you should do OK.

  44. Hello. I’m 16 and was involved in competitive netball that made me more muscular, especially in the thighs. I stopped my intensive training altogether in April, lost 1-2kg due to muscle atrophy (i think) then slowly gained about 4, 5 Kg.. and having increasingly more fats in my inner and back thigh, my behind and around my tummy. What can I do to lose all those fats, while not significantly increasing my muscle mass? I still have stamina to run for a bit so could you also suggest how long I should run to help shed the fats? I’m also planning to adopt this as my daily workout :) I’m 1.71m and weigh 59Kg :( can I l drop to at least a 54, 55Kg in slightly more than a month?? :\ please help~

  45. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Sher, if you want to lose fat and not gain more muscle then I suggest that you run for 30 minutes every day with maybe 1 or 2 longer runs each week.

  46. MellyBoo88 says:

    I am 400 pounds, 21 years old and 5’4″. I am very active though. Will this be a great workout for me to lose weight with a healthy diet?

  47. MotleyHealth says:

    MellyBoo88, you may be better off walking for 45 minutes every day to start with instead.

  48. Hi! Thanks so much for the reply :) How long do you suggest the longer runs should be? is there a distance i should cover in the 30 minute and longer runs?

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