Royal Marine Commando Egg Diet

Marine egg dietThe so-called “Royal Marine Diet” is a super-low calorie, low sugar diet that involves mostly eating eggs. It is a sure way to lose fat quickly. Marines would find it tough enough, for civilians it is one of the hardest crash diets. The results are usually good though. Eggs are certainly not the only thing eaten (although this has not stopped it getting the name “boiled egg diet”!), so read on to learn how to do this diet properly!

Do not attempt the marine diet long term, one week is enough, some people repeat this for a second week (which is why some people call it a two week egg diet). Like all crash diets the first couple of days are the hardest.

Before you read on, please read this important messages from the Royal Marines:

“We (Royal Marine Commando) do NOT endorse this diet. Anyone linking this diet to Royal Marine training or preparation for Royal Marines training are being misled. We recommend a healthy balanced diet. RM Recruits are fed 4 meals a day which consists of a balance of protein, carbs, veg and fruit.”

It is unclear how this diet got its name, but all it really is, is an egg fast, or egg-based VLCD. Fasting is a very effective way to lose weight, and many readers have used it to lose belly fat.

Marine commando 7 day egg diet

You can have your eggs anyway you fancy, so long as you do not fry them on loads of butter or oil. In the egg diet, boiled eggs are the preferred way though because not additional calories are added.

You have three “meals” a day at the normal time for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With each meal you can have either black coffee, pure lemon juice or water.

Day 1

  • Breakfast 3 eggs
  • Lunch 3 eggs
  • Dinner 3 eggs

Day 2

  • 1 egg or grapefruit
  • Fresh fruit salad
  • Steak, Tomatoes, Celery and cottage cheese

Day 3

  • 1 egg or grapefruit
  • Fish, Tomatoes, spinach and Salad
  • Lean Lamb chops, tomatoes and salad

Day 4

  • 1 egg or grapefruit
  • Green salad and tomatoes
  • 3 eggs and dried toast

Day 5

  • 1 egg or grapefruit
  • Fish, Tomatoes, and Salad
  • Lean ham salad, tomatoes and spinach

Day 6

  • 1 egg or grapefruit
  • 3 eggs dried toast
  • Steak Celery, tomatoes and cottage cheese

Day 7

  • 1 egg or grapefruit
  • Fresh fruit salad
  • Lean lamb chops, salad and tomatoes

That is all there is to following the commando diet. Do not eat any more than stated. Read the comments below if you have any questions about substitutions. Food swaps are allowed, if they don’t change the total calories and macro nutrients.

Do Not Snack

Definitely no snacks between meals. Where no volume or amount of food is quoted you can eat as much as you like, within reason. On the last day a large fruit salad can be eaten, followed by big juicy lamb chops with a large salad. Although by the end your appetite should have reduced.

Some people use this as a way to lose weight fast, and we have heard of people following a 28 day egg diet. While this is an effective way to lose weight, it’s not a healthy way.

Next read: “Eat more eggs for healthy weight loss“.

297 Comments on “Royal Marine Commando Egg Diet”

  1. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Helen, fish is good. Whatever you like really!

  2. Can I drink black tea as I don’t like coffee. Also is it okay to have 1 or 2 almonds (plain) between meals – just to ward off the growlies?

  3. Hey, what would you put into the green salad? And when it states just salad, what would that contain?

  4. MotleyHealth says:

    Suzanne, I think we can allow that.

  5. Can you swap the days around?? Thanks

  6. Can we still workout while doing this diet?

  7. Hi, I’m not really a lover of fish. Would could I substitute it for to stay on track with the plan?

  8. hia, are you allowed to drink as much water as you want, or are you restricted to 1 glass per meal?

  9. MotleyHealth says:

    Chloe, drink water as and when you want it. Just don’t drink too much in an attempt to reduce hunger.

  10. MotleyHealth says:

    Becky, chicken is OK

  11. MotleyHealth says:

    Edgar, light cardio is OK, don’t pump heavy weights in case you pass out.

  12. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Wilde01, that is OK.

  13. Jim Double says:

    I am doing this again as I know it works – its a great kick up the ass to get the fat off – although if you dont maintain a healthy (ish) lifestyle afterwards, it’ll soon pile back on – I am doing mine in conjunction with a new swimming daily regime – will let you know how things go

  14. I have done this once before. I am doing it agin this time for 2 weeks. I am having green tea and i love it. I have lost 8lb in total in 4 days and i still have 10 days left on this diet.
    I am very happy but i bought new jeans recently and now their falling off me. I am gonna eat very healthy when this is over

  15. Yvette saunders says:

    I have just finished this diet for a week and it’s a great kick start to losing some pounds……first day was hard but by the end I found my appetite had reduced considerably…. I only substituted the fish for chicken but stuck to everything else and I have managed to lose 8lb……so happy …… It’s amazing. Spain here I come lol

  16. I have done this diet a few times, a week here and a week there especially if I have an event, party or holiday coming up and lost between 7-12lb in one week.
    Ive mostly maintained the weight I lost, but with hard work and exercise I might add. If I am piling on the lbs too quickly I just revert back to the diet again. Ive lost just under 3 stone the past 9 months with the help of this diet and am now a healthy size 12, but would like to lose a little more for the holiday season! So, Today I am starting the Military Diet again for a week
    The first day is pretty brutal, but after 2-3 days it gets so much easier so stick with it the results keep you going!
    Ive tried so many diets over the years, but this one seems to work for me
    Although, the thing I do miss the most is my coffee in the morning, Im a latte freak but I drink black tea in place of it and its not too bad.
    Its not for everyone, but anyone who does give this a go would almost certainly lose weight!
    Good luck (O:

  17. Michelle Dickson says:

    Can you drink water throughout the day or only at mealtimes?

  18. Please forgive if this seems ignorant. Can the eggs be cooked (provided that no fat it used), or must they be raw?

  19. MotleyHealth says:

    Cook them Caz! Boiled is best.

  20. MotleyHealth says:

    Michelle, drink water as normal.

  21. Is light exercise ok whilst on the diet?

  22. Is it possible to use any light olive oil for a salad dressing or even cook the steak/lamb in?
    And add olives to the salads?

  23. I’m intolerant to lamb so can I substitute any other meet? I.e. Pork or Chicken or Steak again?

  24. Greg Brown says:

    On day one can you have scrambled eggs in the morning an omelette in the afternoon then egg mayo in at night

  25. I’m on day 4 currently. First day was definitely the hardest so far. Never thought I would look forward to eggs and dried toast so much. Seeing some good results also.

  26. MotleyHealth says:

    Go for it Greg. You can even fry them in butter!

  27. MotleyHealth says:

    Yes Sally.

  28. MotleyHealth says:

    Yes Laina, that is OK.

  29. MotleyHealth says:

    Yes Gary, but do take it easy, you don’t want to pass out!

  30. Hi, Are you able to swap meals e.g have fresh fruit salad in the evening and the steak for lunch?

  31. When it says salad, what does this consist of?

  32. MotleyHealth says:

    Mostly leafy greens, little tomato, cucumber. Go easy.

  33. MotleyHealth says:

    Yes Fiona, that will be OK

  34. Courtney Weldon says:

    I don’t eat fish can I substitute something for it?

  35. Nathan Pham says:

    Can I subsititue the salad and leafy greens for a V8?

  36. MotleyHealth says:

    Nathan, if you must!

  37. MotleyHealth says:

    Courtney, have another piece of chicken instead. Or, another egg!

  38. Can I substitute lamb chops with pork chops? Starting tomorrow! Super excited!

  39. Hi i dont eat lamb or red meat can i substitute for fish or chicken/turkey? And what fish is better to have?

  40. If you were to be training quite heavily whilst following this diet, are supplements such as a low calorie/low carb protein shake “allowed”?


  41. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Ethan, you really don’t want to be doing any heavy training on this diet. When bulking up, EAT. When cutting aggressively, don’t go heavy!

  42. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Fiona, just eat your favorite fish!

  43. MotleyHealth says:

    No problem Rudo – it’s better to modify the plan to your own tastes than not do it!

  44. I don’t eat meat, so am substituting with fish. Is any fish OK? Salmon, cod?

  45. As an official spokes person for the Royal Marines we (Royal Marine Commando) do NOT endorse this diet. Anyone linking this diet to Royal Marine training or preparation for Royal Marines training are being misled. We recommend a healthy balanced diet. RM Recruits are fed 4 meals a day which consists of a balance of protein, carbs, veg and fruit.

    The picture attached to this article is not approved by the MOD and is NOT of Royal Marines or Royal Marine Recruits.

    Can you please publish,

    Many thanks

  46. What substitute can I have instead of cottage cheese?

  47. Does the veg at meal times have to be raw?

  48. Hi this is my first attempt at this diet. I am now on Day 2 and only managed 8 eggs yesterday but had a few salad leaves. Hopefully this doesn’t effect the results too much but after day 1 I am 2lb down. I also want to do some cardio work throughout I’m guessing only light cardio will be ok with this diet?

  49. On Day 5. I was 10.1 wen started I’m now 9st8lb so lost 7lb already but feeling very weak, and really bad headaches! I’m sticking to the plan 100% and drinking black coffee & water regularly! Not done any exercising in the 5days! Does this pass ? Has anyone else felt the same, come Day 5!? I don’t want to give in now, I want to get down to 9st again for holidays :)

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