Health Benefits of Ginger and Garlic – Natures Medicines

ginger and garlicGinger has been used as both seasoning and medicine for over 500 years. During the Middle Ages, it was used against the plague. Today, it is used for various ailments from simple colds and sniffles to rheumatoid arthritis. Garlic and ginger nutrition is only just being fully understood.

Here we look at some of the benefits of ginger and garlic. Ginger and garlic are very versatile, and while some people just chew ginger or make garlic tea, they are most commonly used as ingredients in healthy meals.

Health Benefits of Ginger

Its effectiveness against headaches has been documented. Taken at the first sign of migraine, ginger can reduce the symptoms and severity of headaches by blocking prostaglandins, the chemicals that cause inflammation in blood vessels in the brain. This anti-inflammatory activity in ginger can shorten the discomfort of headaches, colds and flu.

Ginger blocks the production of substances that cause bronchial congestion and stuffiness. Its main compound, gingerol, provides natural anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative properties and is also a cough suppressant.

Raw ginger benefits the joints as it helps to reduce joint swellings in people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, and many people say that the benefits of ginger exceed those of some conventional medicine, although it is most advisable to take both.

A study found that ginger eased the symptoms in 55 percent of people with osteoarthritis and 74 percent of those with rheumatoid arthritis. Considering the health implications of drugs like Vioxx and Celebrex, ginger seems a much safer and more cost-effective alternative, and is for many people, one of the most important benefits of ginger.

Ginger works like aspirin to thin the blood. A study involving Danish women between the ages of 25 to 65 years, one group of whom consumed 70 grams of raw onion daily while a second group consumed 5 grams of ginger daily for one week, showed unequivocally the benefits of ginger.

When the researchers tested both groups of women, they found that ginger, more clearly than onion, reduced thromboxane production by almost 60 percent. Thromboxane compounds stimulate the clumping of blood platelets and the constricting of blood vessels. By dissolving the clumping quality of blood platelets, ginger reduces blood clots and the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Ginger can also relieve menstrual cramps.

Chemical compounds in ginger act as anti-spasmodics inhibiting painful contractions of both smooth muscles of the digestive tract and the uterus.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is no less powerful. The restorative powers of garlic have been known to the ancient Egyptians who gave garlic to slaves constructing the pyramids in order to increase their efficiency and stamina.

Garlic, like ginger, reduces the tendency of blood to clot. Garlic improves blood flow throughout the body, not just in the coronary arteries. It acts as a vasodilator by causing blood vessels to expand and blood pressure to drop.

Researchers at the Garlic Research Bureau in Suffolk, England, recently reported that “even small amounts of Garlic, say 3 or 4 grams, will have a pronounced effect on fibrinolytic (breaking down of blood clots) activity in doses from 25 grams ( 10 cloves) to 50 grams. Garlic seems to be highly effective in promoting beneficial changes in blood fat composition and platelet adhesiveness.”

Garlic also lowers cholesterol, tryglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels while also increasing the beneficial cholesterol HDL.

Garlic may have some anti-tumor properties. Garlic oil inhibits enzymes that curtail the production of protaglandins (many cancers are prostaglandin dependent).

Research in China also shows an inverse relationship between the incidence of stomach cancer and garlic intake. Studies even suggest that garlic may lower the risk of colon cancer by 35 percent and stomach cancer by as much as 50 percent. Garlic inhibits the formation of nitrites, chemicals that could trigger stomach cancer. There have also been claims that garlic can shrink cancers of the breast, skin and lungs.

Finally, the essential oils in garlic are excreted through the lungs, which means that it is particularly effective for clearing respiratory ailments.

Garlic and Ginger Tea

If you don’t fancy chewing on raw ginger and garlic, garlic tea is a good option. Simply chop and crush some ginger and garlic, add to water in a pan and bring to the boil, then simmer for 5 minutes.

The juices from the ginger and garlic will infuse the water, and hey presto! you have ginger and garlic tea. Strain into a mug and drink. Add honey to sweeten, if you wish. Either drink hot as garlic tea, or allow to cool as garlic water.

Research Papers and References

206 Comments on “Health Benefits of Ginger and Garlic – Natures Medicines”

  1. hellymosco says:

    Is Ginger and Onions boiled together and take like tea ok for consumption? or is there any side effect?

    secondly, does it boost sperm count?

  2. MotleyHealth says:

    No harm in boiling them and drinking a tea, so long as you do not go overboard. As for sperm count, that is less clear. Ginger may certainly help with sperm count and sperm health. See this research paper for more information: “The effects of Ginger on spermatogenesis and sperm parameters of rat” by Arash Khaki and others, Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine Vol.7. No.1. pp: 7-12, Winter 2009. Source: (PDF document)

  3. what is the main benefit of boiling ginger and garlic

  4. MotleyHealth says:

    As with all food, cooking breaks down the cells to make the nutrients easier to digest. Boiling can remove some goodness though.

  5. 1. After blending d 2 herbs do u need 2 sieve out d shaft or take it like dat?
    2. What is d quantity of water 2 be added 2 a particular quantity of d herbs 4 efficient result?

  6. MotleyHealth says:

    You should be eating the garlic and herbs, although sieving / straining would be like drinking a tea. Garlic can be eaten raw and that may be the best method.

  7. folashade says:

    i av small breasts that made people embarrass me even after 2 children.can i get help using garlic n ginger?

  8. MotleyHealth says:

    Sorry, I do not think that either garlic or ginger will help. You really should not be embarrassed though, learn to love your body.

  9. Simon Rice says:

    I suffer from high blood pressure and I wish to know that if I was to drink ginger or garlic tea, how long would it take for me to notice a the difference.

  10. MotleyHealth says:

    Really impossible to say Simon. Do you exercise? Really you should focus on eating a healthy diet and exercising often.

  11. Can garlic, ginger, onions and honey when blend together help in poor erection?

  12. MotleyHealth says:

    Maybe Chi, any improvements in blood circulation should help. Try it and see.

  13. Can garlic, ginger, onions and honey when blend together help in poor erection?
    and cure of staphcol

  14. MotleyHealth says:

    No idea Mike. Try it and see. What is staphcol?

  15. 1.i blended ginger and garlic den pour it in a bottle…den make tea with lipton yellow label only pour little ginger n garlic juice in the bottle into the tea and then squeeze lime into it,pls is it okay or should i still add honey for a better result

    2.pls can it reduce quick ejaculation or what can take to reduce quick ejaculation

  16. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Louis, the recipe sounds OK. There is no specific recipe really. As for your second question, I do not think so.

  17. Can garlic and ginger help with bacterial infections like BV?

  18. MotleyHealth says:

    As a part of a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle they can strengthen your immune system which will help fight infections. If you have a persistent medical condition then you really should speak to a doctor.

  19. Does garlic and ginger blended together help in eliminating acidity (burn in the stomach)?

  20. MotleyHealth says:

    Garlic and ginger are both moderately alkaline which means that they can neutralise acid, in theory. However, in the article “Acid/Alkaline Theory of Disease Is Nonsense” Dr. Gabe Mirkin says “no foods change the acidity of anything in your body except your urine“.

  21. graceamazing says:

    Can i soak garlic & ginger together with cool boiled water for drinking?What is best time to drink ginger & garlic water? Before food or after.

  22. MotleyHealth says:

    I do not see why not. Why not put the garlic and ginger in your food?

  23. Carol. Beckford says:

    Hi, I blended garlic and ginger into a juice. It was very potent and strong. I drank it,and eversince I had a running stomach and gas. The running stomach has stopped,but the gas is still there. Did I drink too much of the juice? Or what do you think?Thanks.

  24. MotleyHealth says:

    Carol, how much did you have? I would suggest that you did have too much, as that sort of reaction is not the desired result.

  25. For the garlic and ginger, is it ok if I blend them together and then add a little water and honey without boiling and take it like that and if so how often

  26. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Adam. Yes, you can eat raw garlic. Honey will take the edge off too. How often? Up to you really. Once a day should be fine.

  27. I take garlic and ginger everyday.I blend them with my fruits(banana,pineppale,banana,avocada).n I urinate more than 5times after drinking it.just want to know if its very healthy?

  28. MotleyHealth says:

    sounds healthy.

  29. Yes, what kills the smell after consuming this mix because i kind of find it hard as it stays with me like for the rest of the day

  30. MotleyHealth says:

    Not much you can do about that really.

  31. hi
    I have tried to take ginger and garlic with honey and without but every time i have had this funny chest pain that is on and off.Could this have anything top do with this mix?

  32. MotleyHealth says:

    Likely to be connected with what you are eating if it happens just after. Maybe indigestion, acid reflux etc. Better to not consume it if it is making you feel unwell. Just add garlic to your cooking more.

  33. Thanks will do that!

  34. is brown sugar good for health as compared to white sugar?

  35. MotleyHealth says:

    Not really no.

  36. Abdou LJ Jammeh says:

    1.Chopping and squeesing garlic and ginger raw into water and be using it as deseart after meal is it good?

    2.Chewing garlic raw can it inhibite snake bit? if sure,how often?
    3.Squeesing ginger into water can it be used to relieve or kill headache and stomach pain?

    4. Chewing garlic before intercourse can it pay divident of staying longer.

    5.what is the difference btw garlic and onoin interms of ingredients availability.

  37. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Abdou, some interesting questions. Personally I would not have garlic is a dessert! If you get bitten by a snake best to seek medical aid asap. Doubt garlic would cure a headache, there may be a placebo effect. If garlic provides improvements to blood circulation then it is certainly not an instant effect, besides, would not be too nice for your partner if you have just been chewing garlic! A for the differences between onions and garlic, start by reading the Wikipedia pages on each.

  38. Can garlic cure cervical polyp?

  39. MotleyHealth says:

    It is possible that it may help Joyce, there is probably no harm in trying. Failing that speak to a doctor regarding having a polypectomy (surgical removal).

  40. I found your article very useful.I shy away from taking ginger and garlic because they cause body and mouth odour,especially garlic.However,because of their health benefits I wish to start taking them.The odour they cause is it permanent? In other words if I start taking garlic and ginger regularly,am I bound to have permanent body and mouth odour? How do I avert that? Thanks

  41. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Orlando, use them in cooking and there will be no big odour.

  42. TAHIR HUSSAIN says:

    There has been quite some times that a recipe been circulating on the globe, claiming that it would open blocked artries of heart. The recipe is like mis one cup each of fresh ginger, fresh garlic, apple viniger and lemon. Simmer/boil them to reduce into one cup (four cups reduced to one); then add three cups of honey. Take one table spoon every morning for one month and you would have all your artries cleaned. Have you heard of this and what is your opinion on this. only the lemon seems me odd, the other four ingredients seems fine. Please advice.

  43. MotleyHealth says:

    Not heard of that Tahir. Really, if someone has blocked arteries then a total lifestyle change is required and some medical attention. It is probably too late for some garlic and ginger to help a great deal, not to say it will not help at all of course. But in these situations professional medical advice is the first step. Then lifestyle change.

  44. Thanks for your answer.I remove the back of ginger before using it.Is that unnecessary? Moreover, I prefer to grind the garlic and ginger.Is that ok? How best do I maximize the nutrients in them? If I cook food with ginger and garlic without refridgerating it;only warming it,how many days can their(ginger and garlic) nutrients be effective before wearing out?

  45. MotleyHealth says:

    Peeling ginger is fine. Fresh ginger keeps OK for a few weeks, store it in a cool, dry, dark place. The longer garlic is cooked, the more nutrients are lost. One option is to add some to a meal 5 minutes before the cooking is finished to preserve most of the nutrients. Garlic can be frozen to help preserve the nutrients for longer. Break up the cloves and store them in a bag in the freezer.

  46. I find your piece very interesting and educating.I mistakenly gave my children(5 or 6 year old) raw garlic to eat instead of cooking.Hope raw garlic has no side effects on children?

  47. gracia jones says:

    i squashed garlic, ginger and bitter kola into a half bottle of honey. and i take it every morning before i eat. wat are ith medical benefits. i am an asthmatic patient could it be a good tip? does that mixture help to clear any pelvic inflamatory disease?

  48. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Gracia, unfortunately it is not possible to say for sure. Do you feel better for taking it?

  49. before now I used to have a very painful menstrual pain, but this month I use ginger and garlic, could you believe me that right now am menstruating but am not felling any pain unlike before. so it is try that ginger and garlic is powerful.

    thanks for your educative advice on the uses of ginger and garlic.

  50. MotleyHealth says:

    Great to hear that Joy.

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