Getting the Most out of Your Time at the Gym

Ryan Gawick - MotleyHealthIt can be tough to find the time to work out. Working out is a healthy habit that can help you achieve better fitness, appearance, and health outcomes. Working out can complement a healthy lifestyle and give you a better outlook on life. Whether you are looking for simple daily physical activity or a complete reworking of your body, it is important to keep certain principles in mind. Ryan Gawick, a web developer and fitness enthusiast, offers these 7 tips to help make your workouts more efficient and to help you reach your goals more easily.

Make a Commitment

When you want to get fit, you will not get anywhere if you don’t make a serious commitment to the process. Don’t sit and wait, thinking that you will start a workout routine someday. No day is better than the present. It may be fun to start with a 30-day fitness challenge. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, go for a walk or a run. On Tuesday and Thursday, perform a series of 5 bodyweight exercises like sit-ups, push-ups, and burpees. If you can keep this up for a month, you will be well on your way to creating healthy habits.

Plan Your Gym Visits

Too many people arrive at the gym with no idea of what they are trying to accomplish. Standing around waiting for a machine or a piece of equipment wastes your valuable time. Come to the gym with a set plan of what exercises you want to participate in, and if someone is taking up space in one of the areas you need, move on to the next one.

Overall, Ryan Gawick believes you will need to set strong training goals. You may want to meet with a personal trainer to decide where your focus areas should be. Many gyms offer one personal training visit for free when you join. Decide what your goals are when it comes to the amount of weight you can lift, your mile speed, and your endurance with equipment like the stair stepper. It may take some time to correctly judge your fitness level so that you can set your goals with care. When in doubt, ask.

Schedule It

Many people feel that they are too busy to go to the gym, but if they are honest with themselves about the ways they actually spend their time during the day, they will be able to find an hour to do so. It is best to exercise at a specific time of day, and then you will come to look forward to exercise. Many people feel that exercising first thing in the morning, before work, gives them extra energy. Others who prefer to exercise after work enjoy the stress-relieving capabilities of a good workout.

Keep Track of Your Goals

When you have set a baseline fitness level, start pushing yourself to meet your goals. Incremental progress is great. Don’t expect yourself to burst out of the gate and instantly transform your body. Weight loss and strength training take a while if done properly.

Get Help

If you don’t learn how to properly use the equipment at the gym, you could get hurt. An injury will take you out of training and sabotage your fitness goals. Make sure that you talk to the employees at the gym to make sure you are doing everything the right way. If you take the time to work with a personal trainer, they can increase the efficiency of your workout by giving simple and actionable tips.

Warm Up Properly

Ask your personal trainer about the best ways to warm up. Static stretching is what comes to mind, but most trainers agree that static stretching when the muscles are cold is actually damaging. Do an active warmup of light jogging in place or simple dance moves to warm up your muscles, then stretch carefully. Don’t overstretch yourself or you will only find yourself prone to injury.


Many people feel that they do a better job creating a workout routine if they have accountability. Work out with a friend or start sharing your struggles and successes online. Friends and family will want to cheer you on as you work toward a healthier lifestyle. You may also be able to make online friends through fitness websites. Sometimes, online friends can be even more beneficial than people you know offline.

Do Your Best

Whatever form of exercise you choose, make sure that you put your all into it. Only halfway committing to a fitness routine will make it easier for you to quit. Give yourself rewards each week as you continue with your plan. Ryan Gawick says that people who work out regularly notice many benefits beyond the physical.

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