How to Boost Your Immune System During Cold and Flu Season

group of friends laughing together outside in winterWinter is here and that means cold and flu season has begun.  Nobody likes getting sick, even if it’s just the common cold, and feeling under the weather can ruin holiday plans in a hurry.  Strengthening your immune system will help keep you healthy and ready to spread your holiday cheer, so let’s look at some great ways to boost your immunity this winter.

Keep the flu at arms length

The best way to avoid getting a cold or flu is to not come into contact with the germs and viruses that cause them.  A flu shot can help but it’s also not a guarantee, so you’ll need to still take matters into your own hands.  One thing we have learned from coronavirus, is that keeping your distance from others helps prevent diseases spreading.

In all likelihood, the last time you had a flu you contracted it from someone else or touched a surface that was infected.  Take action by steering clear of crowds and poorly ventilated spaces and by washing your hands frequently.  Also, don’t touch your face with dirty hands if you can avoid it.  Let your friends and family know that they should inform you if they’ve been sick so that you can determine if you feel safe getting together with them.  We also recommend getting all necessary doctor or dentist appointments out of the way before flu season starts, so you won’t have to visit a busy office later.

Stock up on vitamins and supplements

Making sure your body has enough of the correct nutrients at its disposal will help keep your immune system strong.  At the top of the list are Vitamin C, Vitamin D (especially because of the winter low light conditions) and zinc.  Getting these vitamins naturally through the foods you eat is best but not always possible, and supplements will help fill the gap.

Keep your gut strong

The microbes that reside in your gut help your immune system as well as digest food, regulate metabolism and weight.  As much as 70% of your immune system is in your gut and that means it plays a large role in keeping you healthy all winter.  Consider adding a probiotic full of “good bacteria” to your regiment to help keep inflammation to a minimum.  Even if you do catch a cold or flu, probiotics can help shorten the duration and lower the severity of the illness.  Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kefir and kimchi are natural supporters of bacterial health in your gut.

Say no to processed foods

Your diet has a big impact on your immune system and your overall health.  Foods like veggies and fruits are high in valuable antioxidants, while dark leafy greens, fish and sweet potatoes are nutrient packed, so they work great to keep your immunity boosted.   What you don’t want to put into your body are processed foods, sugar and gluten as these can drastically reduce your immune function.  One of the best foods you can enjoy this winter is a bone broth stew with lots of fresh vegetables chopped in – this is literally a superfood for immune system health.

Exercise regularly

Exercise is something you should be doing all year, but wintertime can really limit your options to get moving.  Working your body is great for your health and for the strength of your immune system, so even though it’s cold outside, make sure you find a way to get your heart and your blood pumping as many times a week as you can.  Fresh air is also required, so outdoor activities are great, and opening a window for 15 minutes everyday to get the air in your home circulating should be added to your list of daily chores.

Pay attention to your oral care

Your mouth is full of bacteria which can increase your risk of getting sick by depressing your immune system.  The best thing to do is focus on keeping your teeth clean and bacteria at a minimum with a regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing routine.  Once you’ve finished brushing your teeth, run your toothbrush under hot water for 10 seconds to help disinfect it and store it upright so the bristles will dry fully.  Also make sure your toothbrush isn’t worn out by replacing it every couple months and never share a toothbrush with anyone else. 

Get enough Zzz’s

A cold and flu free winter season requires that your body is well-rested so your immune system can be at it’s best.  That means getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night and taking power naps in between if you feel your battery is getting drained.  It’s a great time of year to get cozy in bed with a book anyways, so make use of “hibernation season” and get enough sleep.

Keep surfaces clean and carry hand sanitizer

Colds and flus can be spread by contact with an infected surface such as a doorknob or the handrail on a set of stairs.  The same goes for surfaces in your home, where one family member can easily spread their germs to the rest of the household.  The best way to fight indoor germs is to disinfect surfaces regularly and ask your family to keep their hands clean.  

For outside of the home, cleaning all the surfaces you’ll come into contact with isn’t a viable option but carrying a hand sanitizer is easy enough to do.  Use it on your hands after touching things in public and before you touch things in your car or home.  Also, keep your mobile phone germ free with disinfectant wipes.

Put these tips to use and your immune system will thank you by doing its best to keep you cold and flu free this winter season.  

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