The Dukan Diet – The French Weight Loss Diet System

The Dukan Diet was developed around the same time as the Atkins Diet Revolution and follows a similar pattern – an intensive induction period of around 2 weeks called the Attack Phase, then the Cruise and Consolidation phases that are aimed at developing a healthy diet in the long term. Like any diet system the key is to follow the diet through each stage until the end, and then carry on eating healthily.

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The Tomato Diet

Tomatoes reduce hunger – see our tomato diet tips. A tomato diet is simple to implement. The key rule is to eat tomatoes with most of your meals, and also eat some tomato snacks. Tomatoes are very healthy and provide a few little secret ingredients that aid weight loss.

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male with belly fat

Central Obesity, Diet and Metabolic Syndrome

Central obesity is the most dangerous type of fat accumulation. Here we discuss the various medical conditions that may result from long term obesity and also provide some solutions to help you deal with the problem. The advice comes from an article published in Functional Foods in Health and Disease in 2011 which looked at the role of the Mediterranean Diet and weight management.

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