- Stand upright in Tadasana posture with feet close together, pointing forward.
- Breath in and raise the arms up to shoulder level, palms facing downwards.
- Shift the weight onto the left foot and on the next in-breath raise the right leg forward to a comfortable height. Focus onto a fixed point to maintain the balance and keep the raised leg straight.
- Hold for 20 seconds breathing normally.
- On the out breathe lower the leg down and repeat it with the other leg.
- This is the 10th posture in the prenatal yoga workout session 2.
Marcia has been practising yoga for over 20 years and has specialised in the Hatha and Ashtanga schools of yoga, although has also enjoyed learning other branches such as Iyengar. As well as yoga she practices meditation, and plays a wide range of sports, including badminton, cricket, cycling, and walking.