o Start by crouching down with the knees open, tilt forward a little and place hands on the floor at a shoulder distance apart.
o Step the left foot forward, keeping the knee in alignment with the ankle.
o Stretch the right leg out behind you, keeping the knee on the floor for extra support.
o Inhale and open the chest and gaze forward. Breathe normally.
o To come out bring the back foot toward the front foot, place knees on the floor for extra support and straighten up one leg at a time.
This is the 11th posture in the prenatal yoga workout session 2.
Marcia has been practising yoga for over 20 years and has specialised in the Hatha and Ashtanga schools of yoga, although has also enjoyed learning other branches such as Iyengar. As well as yoga she practices meditation, and plays a wide range of sports, including badminton, cricket, cycling, and walking.