The Sun Salutation A is a vinyasa that combines a series of yoga postures performed in a single flow of movements in harmony with the breathing. The Sun Salutation B includes the warrior pose. The warrior pose is optional and you can choose to do the Sun Salutation without it if you prefer a shorter version.
The regular practice of the Sun Salutation improves your core body strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. It helps to burn body fat, tone the muscles and improves breathing capacity. It stimulates circulation and works the lymphatic system helping the body to get rid of toxins.
Sun Salutation A, Yoga Video Tutorial
Sun Salutation B, Vinyasa Sequence
Take a deep breath in and lift the arms up, open the chest and bend backwards slightly.
On the next exhalation bend forwards with the palms touching the floor, you may need to bend the knees.
Breathe in and extend the back gazing forwards.
Breathe out and step or jump back to the plank position.
Breathe in and bring the pelvis down to the cobra position (knees touching the floor) or upward facing dog position (knees not touching the floor – the toes can be either tucked in or stretched out putting less pressure on the lower back). Keep the shoulders down and the chest open.
Breathe out lifting the pelvis up into the downward dog position, lifting from the pelvis.
Breathe in moving into the warrior position. Tilt the right foot out and bring the left leg forwards, bend the left knee, keeping the shin straight. (Or if you want to skip the warrior pose, stop here and step or jump up into a standing position keeping the torso bent downwards. Breathe in lifting the torso and arms up slowly, as shown in the video tutorial above. Repeat the sequence as many time as you like).
Breathing out step or jump back and breathe in to the cobra or upward dog position.
Breathe out lifting the pelvis up into the downward dog position.
Breathe in moving into the warrior position. Tilt the left foot out and bring the right leg forwards, bend the right knee, keeping the shin straight.
Breathing out step or jump back and breathe in to the cobra or upward dog position.
Then breathe out lifting the pelvis up into the downward dog position. Hold this posture for a few seconds breathing normally.
Bend the knees, breathe in and on the next exhalation step or jump up into a standing position keeping the torso bent downwards.
Breathe in lifting the torso and arms up slowly. Open the chest bending backwards slightly.
Breathe out and bring the arm down in prayer.
You can repeat this sequence as many times as you like. Breathing normally through out.
Avoid the Sun Salutation if you have hernia, hypertension or venous blood clots.
Started looking at your site and disagree with your version of Soorya Namaskar. You should try Swami Vishnu-devananda version. Take care.
That is good way as well, thank you for sharing. This routine is based on Ashtanga yoga.
I’m 32 yrs old. Not yet married. I weigh 75kg lately and it so horrible for me. My Height is 5ft.6. I’m overweight? I really desire to become 65kg. I weigh 68kg before now, I want to be happy with my figure again. I’m not too comfortable with what I wear anymore. Please help me. Your response will be appreciated.
Hi IZ, what it your diet like? You should start eating a healthier diet and doing regular exercise. This really is the easiest and healthiest way to lose weight. Read through our MCD Weight Loss Plan, plus look at the articles in the weight loss section and fitness section. Yoga will get you fitter and stronger, diet will help you to lose fat.