Lady Gaga’s Diet Revealed: No Bread But Boozy!

Lady Gaga performing another hit singleLady Gaga is in amazing shape. It is time we had a look at her fitness and diet secrets.

The Drunk Diet?

Lady Gaga has had a lot of mixed press over the years. Earlier this year the Daily Mail (UK) reported that Lady GaGa’s boyfriend, Luc Carl, was writing a book called The Drunk Diet, as he and Lady Gaga attributed their slim figure to an excessive lifestyle. However, this seems to have been little more than a marketing ploy as there is still no sign of his Drunk Diet book in the shops. According to his website,, the book will be released in 2012.

His website says that the Drunk Diet is really just a story of a year in the life of Luc Carl, and not really a diet manual. But all the may change in the next year! However, from what we can gather, this is really just Luc’s supposed system of weight management and not the one Lady Gaga really uses.

Lady Gaga’s Strict and Healthy Diet

Lady Gaga follows a simple but strict diet, according to the Daily Telegraph. Her rigorous dance routines on stage burn far more calories than most people manage in a gym session so her diet actually needs to be packed with energy, proteins and healthy fats to help her to maintain a healthy body.

“I don’t eat bread, just vegetables and salad and fish. Eating like that is much better for me anyway but on Sundays I sometimes eat pasta.”

This is really the type of diet that just about every personal trainer and nutritionist advocates at the moment and it sounds very similar to a low GI diet plan.

In 2013 she started a new diet to help lose weight following hip surgery. Although she was given a diet to follow according to the Daily Star she modified it and restricted her foods severely. Some days she would only eat boiled eggs and others only spinach. Apparently she suffered some extreme flatulence while losing weight!

Harley Pasternak’s Plan

Lady Gaga has hired Harley Pasternak to make sure she stays in top shape. He tours with her and set a plan that she can follow while on the road. Harry shared the plan with He was also very impressed with Lady Gaga’s strength and determination, saying that she has a high pain threshold so can work through any exercise. He also mentioned that her abs are in excellent shape.

“She has no weaknesses. We train her whole body with a focus on the muscles on the back of her body, her butt,  hamstrings, upper back and back of her arms.” Harry Pasternak.

Harry Pasternak is the trainer behind the 5 Factor Training system and uses this method with Lady Gaga.

Harry’s 5 Step Workout Plan For Lady Gaga

  • Step 1: Gaga does her 5-Factor workout with a HarleyBar, workout bar created by Pasternak. That’s a cool barbell/dumbbell (DB) combination she travels with.
  • Step 2: Warm-up with a five-minute jog.
  • Step 3: Perform this simple circuit training workout 3 times – do 25 reps of each exercise:
    • DB back Rows – These work your upper back and posture muscles. Bend forward slightly and pull a dumbbell up to your ribs
    • DB deadlifts – These work your hamstrings, thighs and butt. Keeping the legs almost straight just lift the dumbbells from the floor and stand up straight, focussing on lifting with the hips.
    • Sides bends – these focus on the “love handles” and obliques. Great core exercises. Holding dumbbells in your hand bend to one side and then the other.
  • Step 4: 5 minutes of intensive rope jumping
  • Step 5: Eat a healthy diet! Gaga follows Harry Paternak’s 5-Factor World Diet plan. Harry says that she is really loving the new recipes in his book :)

Lady Gaga’s Abs Secrets

Harry explains that “exercises like double crunches, trunk twists and side bends give Gaga her amazing abs!” The key is to work your body in many ways and not to just perform the same exercises all the time.

To get great abs you need to work the whole body to burn fat and then target the abs with a variety of exercises – and then work them hard.

Powerful Weight Training

Apparently Lady Gaga’s favorite weight training exercise is the dumbbell deadlift. The deadlift is an excellent core exercise which strengthens the lower back and hips.

Really her workouts are simple – intensive, varied and focussed on developing functioning muscles and improving endurance and fitness.

Lady Gaga Dieting Tips

In 2010 reported on Lady Gagas diet. Earlier that year there was a scare when she collapsed due to exhaustion. Since then healthy diet has been a more important focus. What you must remember before reading on though is that to stay in great shape requires fitness and diet. So just eating what Lady Gaga eats will not help you lose weight if you do not also do the exercise that she does!

Here diet consists of more carbohydrates these days, such as grain chips and hummus, as well as lean proteins from tofu,turkey and fish. She also drinks a lot of coconut water which is an excellent rehydration drink, a natural version of Gatorade that many people in tropical countries swear by (I once got ill in Brazil with a bad stomach bug and coconut water was all I was allowed to drink!).

The real key to Lady Gaga’s body is that she follows a healthy diet that provides her with all the energy she needs to train and perform on stage as well as the nutrients to stay fit and healthy. Her diet is generally low GI with lean meats and healthy fruits too. Bread, pasta and rice is all limited, instead consuming healthy salad vegetables.

She trains hard, performing a variety of fitness workouts including circuit training, weight training, yoga and her dance routines.

Lady Gaga is simply a very healthy and active woman – a great role model. She is also very intelligent and talented – she writes her own songs and plays the piano. She is certainly not simply “gaga”!

Photo by John Robert Charlton

One Comment on “Lady Gaga’s Diet Revealed: No Bread But Boozy!”

  1. She is so beautiful this Lady Gaga.
    Great article, nice work!

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