Kelly Osbourne has lost weight and is looking awesome. Although it is reported that she once considered a gastric band to help manage her weight, like her mom used, she eventually found guidance from her dance partner on Dancing With The Stars in 2009. Her weight loss journey continued and she started to follow a healthier lifestyle with regular exercise and healthy eating. 3 years later she is 69 pounds lighter and on the front cover of Cosmopolitan Body magazine.
Kelly Loses 48 pounds in 2010
Kelly lost approximately 48 pounds after appearing on the reality TV dance show in 2009. Her weight loss was all down to eating a good diet and performing regular exercise. No gastric banding or weight loss pills were required.
“I never thought in a million years I would be a girl in a bikini.”
Kelly went to see her doctor first, and advises everyone to see their doctor if they plan to lose a lot of weight, to check that you are fit to start an intensive weight loss plan.
Kelly Appears on Cosmopolitan Body
In December 2012 Kelly was featured on the front cover of the January 2013 edition of Cosmopolitan Body magazine (published in the UK by Hearst Magazines). She has now lost 69 pounds and is looking fantastic. Kelly shared some of her weight loss and fitness experiences with the magazine.
Kelly explained that to get her body, she had to workout very hard, and she did not find it fun. But the end result makes it worth it.
“I sweat my arse off and I’m miserable for the hour I’m doing it but when I’m done, I feel amazing.”
Kelly says that if you wish to change your body you cannot just go on a diet, it really does take more. You need to get fitter too, as otherwise your muscles will just waste away and your body will cling on to its fat reserves. You need to prompt your body to burn fat for energy, and aerobic exercise is needed for this.
Kelly spoke mostly about the emotional journey that she has been on and how the biggest challenge has been in changing the way she thinks about herself, her body and her relationship with food.
“Losing weight was just one benefit of putting the hard work in and sorting myself out on the inside first through therapy.”
For Kelly losing weight and getting fit was more about changing her whole lifestyle and outlook on life than just following a fitness routine.
“I work out every day and I just don’t feel good if I miss it.”
And that is one of the key reasons why you should exercise daily – exercise should form a part of your lifestyle and your daily routine. It not only helps you to lose weight, get fit and be healthy, it can also make you feel happier, energetic and more positive.
Kelly Osbourne’s Diet
Kelly admits that she never used to attempt to eat a healthy diet at all. It was only after being on Dancing With The Stars that her dance partner, Louis Van Amstel, taught Kelly how to eat a healthy and nutritious diet.
Dancers need to ensure that they are well nourished to allow them to train for many hours, while also making sure that they do not gain body fat. For any athlete, and professional dancers are athletes, the biggest challenge is to provide the body with all the carbohydrates, fats and proteins that it requires to grow and stay fit and strong without overeating, as this causes weight gain.
Generally a diet needs to ensure that carbohydrates are carefully controlled so that the muscles always have a good source of glycogen (a form of sugar that is created by the body to fuel the muscles) and plenty of protein (used to build and repair muscle tissue) without any excess. This is the basis of sports nutrition and optimum nutrition – to eat just enough of the right foods to reach peak performance.
Healthy Breakfasts
Breakfasts now consist of raisin based cereals with low fat milk or egg whites with low fat cheese. She also eats instant oatmeal which she takes with her when travelling.
Healthy Snacks
Mid morning she snacks on cucumber sticks and dill pickles. These are low fat, low sugar and provide healthy carbohydrates to keep the muscles fuelled.
“You can eat as many pickles as you like.”
Light Lunches
Lunches are generally salad based with grilled chicken with a low fat dressing. Olive oil is an excellent choice too – a healthy type of fat that actually helps you to lose weight. Salads should have low fat cheese such as mozzarella plus nutritious carbohydrates such as tomato, lentil and chickpeas.
Nutritious Dinners
Dinner can be heartier, but must still be healthy. Kelly still enjoys her burgers, but they are turkey burgers with a healthy dressing, steamed vegetables or a salad. Later in the evening she snacks on some fruit or a small spinach salad.
Kelly’s Fitness Workouts
Louis Van Amstel also taught Kelly how to exercise properly. She says that she is a person that needs structure in her life to keep her on the straight and narrow. Before Dancing With The Stars Kelly did not really know how to exercise by herself.
“You have to be dedicated, and find ways to make it fun.”
The Workout
This workout is based on some of the exercises that Kelly does. She uses various apparatus and specific exercises taught to her by her dance partner. However, this routine will product similar results and requires little equipment.
- Warm up by walking on a treadmill at a high incline, or with light skipping or jogging on the spot.
- Push ups
- Crunches
- Shoulder presses with a bar or dumbbells
- Reverse lunges
- Push ups
- Leg Raises
The idea is to perform this as a circuit training routine. How you structure the circuit is up to you. You can either perform as many of each exercise in 60 seconds then move on to the next, or perform a set number, say 20, of each exercise. Try not to rest between each exercise, but rest for a while at the end of the circuit before starting over. Attempt 2-3 circuits to start with, then as you get fitter either make each exercise harder (increase the time or repetitions) or just perform more circuits.
Like many people she relied on visits to aerobics classes or using a treadmill to perform any exercise. Now she can perform circuit training workouts at home whenever she wants to. This means that she can structure her exercise to fit in better with her celebrity lifestyle, and more importantly does not need to waste time travelling to and from the gym to get fit. Kelly also keeps fit with her dancing and pilates.
Kelly is looking in great shape now, she looks more like a fitness instructor than the daughter of a rock and roll star. When she was overweight every news report refered to her as chubby, chunky or just overweight, but now people are asking “Is Kelly Osbourne too skinny?“. The answer to that is a definite no!
Kelly Osbourne is in great shape now. She is healthy, fit and looks really happy and confident in herself for the first time. Well done Kelly!
Maybe there will be a Kelly Osbourne Workout DVD on the shelves some time next year.
Kelly Osbourne and Jennifer Hudson have been rated as the best celebrity bodies of 2010 by Fitness Magazine. What makes this most impressive is that both have lost a lot of weight to achieve this.
Kelly lost around 48 pounds this year and is happier than ever. Rumours are that she will be sharing her fitness and weight loss methods in a new DVD or book.
Jennifer Hudson lost 60 pounds to attain her sexy new figure. She started a walking program and joined Weight Watchers for support.
Other women who won awards were Tracey Anderson and Courtney Cox for celebrities who have defied age, and also Bethanny Frankel for having the best figure for a mom. You can learn more about mom’s fitness and weight loss here.
Kate Middleton won “best bride to be” for here dedication to get in shape for her wedding. Finally Television presenter Kelly Ripa won an award for the best morning television body.