Vitamins & Supplements You Should Be Taking Everyday

supplementsA well-developed diet is the key to living a long, plentiful life. There are many vitamins that can be easily incorporated into your diet through various foods and supplements.  But the average diet is not as well-rounded as it once was, leading us to lack many vital vitamins and nutrients in our day-to-day. Thankfully, with whatever nutrients we don’t get from our daily meals, we can incorporate these vitamins into our diet, whether it is by taking vitamins or supplements like nerve control 911. Keep reading to learn which supplements you should make sure are included in your diet.


Taking a multivitamin should be the very least you do in terms of supplementing vitamins into your body. Multivitamins are great because they include a large variety of vital nutrients in small amounts, however, a multivitamin shouldn’t be the only thing you rely on. Get bloodwork done frequently and work with your doctor or nutritionist to see where you could use a boost! Take a multivitamin with a large glass of water every morning to start your day, in addition to any of the individual supplements you may be lacking.

Vitamin A

This vitamin is crucial for healthy embryo development, immune system function, vision, and gene regulation. Thankfully, our bodies are able to store vitamin A for long periods of time, allowing us to be vitamin A deficient without too many repercussions until we incorporate it back into our diet. Vitamin A supplements are great for those who have a poor or limited diet due to various reasons, like food allergies or lack of access to nourishing foods.

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B Complex is formulated of 8 key B vitamins, including:

  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Pyridoxine
  • Biotin
  • Folic acid
  • Cobalamin

These vitamins are very important for a variety of functions within the body, namely cell health, cardiovascular function, hormone and cholesterol production, nerve function, and cognitive health. They also play an important role in your energy, appetite, digestion, and eye-sight. Many people experience vitamin B deficiency without even realizing it. Make sure to talk to your doctor about your vitamin B levels today.

Vitamin C

Because humans are unable to produce vitamin C in their bodies, it is essential that we supplement it into our diets. Vitamin C is crucial for healthy neurotransmitter function, the healing of wounds, and even the prevention of cancer. It is available in many different types of fruits and veggies, making consumption very feasible for most people. It is also available in an oral supplement or powder form.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is super important for overall health, as vitamin D deficiency can cause a plethora of health issues. Vitamin D is created in the body through exposure to the sun but is also found in select foods, namely fatty fish. Making sure you have optimal levels of vitamin D will help prevent cancers and promote bone, brain, skin, and heart health. There has been an increase in Vit D deficiency since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, due to people leaving the house less and reducing exposure to sunshine.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E deficiency is typically caused by underlying digestive illness rather than a lack of vitamin E in your diet. However, vitamin E is naturally found in various foods and has antioxidant properties, helping with blood, reproductive, cognitive, and epidermal health. If there is a deficiency present, a vitamin E pill can be taken orally.


Low levels of iron, otherwise known as anemia, can cause a multitude of symptoms. Namely, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, pale skin, headaches, cold hands and feet are the main characteristics of an iron deficiency. Incorporating iron supplements or more red meats, leafy greens, and nuts can be a great way to up your iron intake and boost your energy levels.


Magnesium is the leading contributor to regulating many biochemical processes within the body. Low levels of magnesium typically do not appear as any physical symptoms, however, magnesium is an important factor in energy production, sleep hygiene, bowel stimulation, and many other processes. It is found in grains, leafy veggies, nuts, legumes, and some fatty fish.


Calcium and vitamin D work together to promote bone health. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium, whereas calcium, itself, is good for bones and teeth. It can help with nerve function, blood flow, and muscle contractions. Calcium is available in supplement form but is also found in a large variety of different foods.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s are vital to cell structure and regulate many biological systems without our bodies. They are also known to help promote healthy mental and cognitive function, aiding in depression, ADHD, and dementia. These fatty acids are found in fish, walnuts, and select oils, but can be implemented into your diet in the form of a supplement.


Potassium is a mineral found in every tissue of the body and conveniently found within most foods. It is vital for regulating cell and nerve function, specifically aiding in making sure our cells maintain normal levels of fluid inside. Pro-tip: bananas are naturally high in potassium!


The body only needs a small amount of zinc, but the nutrient plays a vital role in healthy metabolism and immune system function. Zinc solely comes from the diet, and it came to be found in small quantities in meat and fish. It should only be supplemented in small amounts for a daily dose, but if taken in larger quantities should only be supplemented for a short period of time.

Vitamins & Supplements You Should Be Taking Everyday

In reality, we’re busybodies and for most of us, it is hard to find the time and resources to have the well-rounded diet we need. Due to this many of us are missing key nutrients and minerals in our daily meals. On a daily basis, it’s hard to see how missing these can impact our lives, but when we start feeling groggy, weak, and anxious, it can be easily traced back to what we’re eating. Thankfully, incorporating supplements and vitamins into your diet is fairly easy. Getting bloodwork done to see where your blood levels are at is the first step, then taking the necessary vitamins is the next. This can easily be done with a health professional or nutritionist.

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