Down With a Cold? Here Are Ways to get Relief at Home

lemon honey and gingerColds are very common, and almost everyone gets them at some point. You don’t need to see a physician every time you develop one, as there are several home remedies you can take advantage of and get relief from its symptoms. These remedies require easily available ingredients used at home for various purposes. However, if there is no improvement after trying these remedies, seek medical assistance for treatment.

On average, an adult gets a common cold four times a year. Since colds are caused by viruses, you can’t get rid of them completely; they keep on coming back. You can only relieve the symptoms. Cold symptoms such as fever, headaches, and chills can make one feel miserable. Luckily, there are several home remedies that can alleviate these symptoms and give you relief.

Take Some Ginger and Honey

Ginger and honey has been used for various medicinal purposes for several centuries, including treating a cold. To use ginger for relieving a cold, put some slices in boiled water and drink it. You can also combine ginger with honey and other anti-inflammatory ingredients to ease some symptoms such as sore throat. All you have is to grate ginger, add it to boiling water then add honey. Ginger can also be used together with tulsi leaves, lemongrass, lemon, and if you have nausea, ginger also wards off the feeling.

Honey is rich in antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. These properties make it effective for fighting some viruses and bacteria. A study conducted by the University of Oxford revealed that honey is super effective when it comes to soothing symptoms caused by flu, cold, and some upper respiratory infections.

The research further states that honey can be an effective option for medications, as it is readily available and does not cause side effects. Honey can be taken raw or added to water, tea, or other fluids.

However, avoid giving honey to kids less than one year as it contains botulinum spores, and the kids immune systems cannot fight the spores when they are that young.

Take Decongestants and Antihistamines

Over-the-counter medications like decongestants and antihistamines help relieve the symptoms of cold and ease discomfort. However, there are limitations to using these medications. For example, if you have a child who is below five years, experts recommend that they shouldn’t be given these medications. Also, you might want to talk to a virtual doctor before using them since misuse or overuse can cause serious problems.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is one way of staying healthy. Fluids not only help in recovery; they also prevent one from getting some illnesses. Drinking lots of fluids when having a cold thins the mucus, making it easy to drain it from the nose. They also lubricate the mucous membranes, getting rid of the feeling of dryness.

Fluids also replace water lost when a person is having a cold, such as water lost through sweating when a person has a fever.

There are several fluids suitable for people with a common cold. These include juice, water, and fluids with electrolytes. Water is the best in this case since it doesn’t have sugars or preservatives. It’s okay to take cold drinks, but hot ones are better, as they release hot steam that eases congestion, which is a very common symptom of a cold.

women drinking water

Add Some Humidity in The House

Cold spreads and thrives in dry environments. When you have a cold, putting a humidifier in your house eases the symptoms, making you feel comfortable. Steam eases congestion in the nasal cavity and relieves dry sinuses. This is particularly crucial during winter since it can get very dry.

Take Some Echinacea

Echinacea is a plant that grows in Canada and the U.S and has been used for treating various conditions for several years. It contains flavonoids chemicals, which have several therapeutic effects, such as reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system. A study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information suggests that taking this herb reduces your chances of getting cold. It also reduces the length of a cold, helping you feel better faster.

However, if you haven’t tried echinacea before, be careful when using it since it makes some people develop allergic reactions. If you are allergic to plants in the daisy family, you are more likely to develop allergies after using echinacea.

Eat Garlic

Garlic has other uses, too, apart from making delicious meals. It contains antiviral and antibacterial properties, making it an effective solution for relieving symptoms caused by a cold. You can take garlic in different ways, such as chewing it raw, putting it in boiling water, or cooking food with it.

Eat Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is not only nutritious but is also good at relieving cold symptoms. When you take hot soup, the cold steam opens up the nasal passages and eases congestion. It also eases inflammation since it is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. When you have a cold, it can be difficult to eat solid foods. Chicken soup can also serve as a meal to help you feel full and energized.

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