Is my beer drinking adding excess weight?

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I keep gaining weight, Is it the beer, b/c I don’t eat that much. I exercise too. Little junk food. Why gaining weight?


Beer will certainly be a factor. Beer contains a lot of calories, and also the alcohol in beer is used as energy before the sugars. This means that while you are drinking, your body is not going to be burning off energy from your food.

However, you must still be eating a fair amount, possibly too much, if you are gaining weight. It is hard enough to accurately count calories with a clear head, add beer to the equation and very likely that you are under estimating the amount you eat.

If your weight is a concern then you need to really tackle this in 3 ways:

  1. If drinking excessively (most days) then cut back – in the long term it will do you no good.
  2. Take a closer look at your overall diet, especially snacks when working or on the go.
  3. Increase activity – get more exercise.

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