The Best 20 Minute Workout To Get Fit At Home

20 minute workout

How To Get Fit At Home

This is a good 20 minute home workout to help you to get fit and healthy at home. It’s also a great way to lose fat fast, as it works your whole body. The more work you put in, the more fat that will fall off! You can always find time to get a 20 minute cardio workout into your daily schedule, and this is the best 20 minute workout you can do!

The workout starts with a warm-up jog and then has 8 bodyweight exercises designed to help tone and burn fat. All the exercises are traditional old school fitness exercises that are performed in martial arts clubs, aerobics classes and gyms the world over.

This quick home workout routine is designed to improve both cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance. It is also great for toning the body, so you can use this as a home-based 20 minute toning workout too.

Perform each exercise as intensively as possible and then rest for up to 30 seconds before moving on to the next one. Always ensure that you perform the exercises correctly, holding proper form, especially in the hip bridges and squat thrusts. Breath deeply and naturally throughout.

This 20 minute circuit workout targets the whole body, improves cardiovascular efficiency and tones and strengthens the body. This workout is a great way to prepare for a more serious circuit training workout. This twenty minute workout also requires no equipment, so you really can do it anywhere.

The 20 Minute Workout Routine

1. Jog in one place for 3 minutes

Simple light jogging on the spot. This does not have to be intensive, so no high knees or jumping around, it is just to gently warm you up for a few minutes before the main exercises.

2. Jumping jacks: 50 repeats

The classic old school cardio burner. Also known as the star jump, start by standing up straight with your feet together, then simply jump the feet out to the sides, just wider than shoulder width apart while lifting you hands upwards.

Return to normal standing position. When landing, bend your knees slightly to reduce the impact on knee joints.

3. Crunches: 15 repeats

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands at the sides of your head with your fingers lightly touching your temples, with elbows pointing outwards.

Try to keep your neck in a straight line with your spine, fixing a point on the ceiling above you is a good idea. Flex your waist to raise the upper torso from the floor so that you are “crunching” your abdominals.

Ensure that your abs are engaged (contracted) throughout the movement, hold for a second. Then lower yourself until the back of your shoulders touches the mat before repeating. Muscles worked: Abdominals

4. Hip Bridges: 10 repeats

Lie on your back with your arms straight and out by your side and palms facing upwards. With only the heels of your feet touching the floor lift your hips up to form a straight line from the shoulders to the knee.

Your legs should be almost vertical from the foot to the knee. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Squeeze your glutes (butt muscles) and then lower yourself. Muscle worked: Lower back, hamstrings and glutes.

5. Step ups: 1 minute

You will need a stepper for this. If you do not own a stepper then you can use the bottom step on a flight of stairs or a sturdy stool. Simply stand in front of the step and step up onto it.

Alternate your leading leg on each step, so left then right up onto the step, return with left first then right. Then on the next step lead with the right then left leg, return with right first. Repeat. Muscle worked: hamstrings, gluteus, quads.

6. Reverse crunches: 15 repeats

Lie on your back with your hands on your sides. Keep you knees bent. Bring your knees towards your head, till your hips come slightly off the floor. Hold this position for a second, and then lower your knees. Muscle worked: lower abs and obliques.

7. Mountain climbers: 1 minute

Get down on your hands and knees and raise your knees like a starting block sprinter.

Run in that position, supporting your upper body with the palms of your hands. Keep your back straight. Muscles worked: triceps, deltoid muscle, gluteus, quads, hamstrings, calves.

8. Push–ups: 15 repeats

The classic push, in the plank position with palms flat on the floor, point forward, about shoulder width apart. Muscles worked: triceps, deltoids, pectorals.

9. Squat thrusts: 1 minute

Stand straight. Now, drop to a crouch position. Immediately thrust your legs out straight behind on your toes, in push up position, now jump to pull legs back to the chest, in crouching position, then stand up straight. Muscles worked: arms, legs, chest, and lower back.

Cool down by walking around, until your heart rate starts getting back to normal, stretch.

A 10 Minute Circuit?

We tested this routine and the routine took 10 minutes to complete, however, for beginners it is best to take your time and rest more between each exercise. As you get fitter you should aim to go through this circuit twice to make it a full 20 minutes of high intensity exercise.

If you do it twice, there is need to do the 3 minute jog again – you may need to take a little more rest between exercises in the second round. We have also today increased the jumping jacks to 50 (was previously 25). If you do just one round then 25 really is not enough!

You should be able to perform this workout every day – in fact, it is highly recommended to do a 20 minute workout everyday for long-term health and vitality. If you wish to increase your exercise rate to get fitter and burn off even more fat, then use this as a circuit training workout and repeat it once or twice.

This simple 20 minute workout routine could be done twice a day, once in the morning before work and then again in the evening. A few readers have asked if we have a
the 20 minute workout video to go with this article, but at the moment we do not, sorry! This is a great way to get fit in 20 minutes, lose weight and lose weight as well as improve your overall fitness and mental well being!

456 Comments on “The Best 20 Minute Workout To Get Fit At Home”

  1. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Sher, not really, the aim is to increase endurance and fitness, so just work at a pace that allows you to complete your run. The faster / further the better, but do not worry if you fail to achieve a set distance – always set achievable goals and then look to improve again once you reach them.

  2. Hmm, okay, thanks! Would doing this 20 minute workout before or after my run affect me differently? I heard that if you sit down after a run, you’ll get a bigger bottom. Is that true? :\ Thanks again for your help :) I really appreciate it!

  3. MotleyHealth says:

    Sher, I have never heard that! Do the workout after the run, you will be nicely warmed up.

  4. Oh haha alright! Thank goodness then! Thanks so much for your help! :) Would simple stretching after everything serve as a good warm down? :)

  5. MotleyHealth says:

    Yes, stretching afterwards is a good idea.

  6. Thank you so much for everything, again, MotleyHealth! :) Looking forward to a healthier body ^^

  7. Hi,
    I am a fan of at home workouts, and i love this one. the first day i did it, i felt it was too light and i needed to work up more of a sweat. i added a few more exercises, added time and reps to all the excercises, aaaand instead of 30sec rests, i just do 50 jumps between every exercise.
    i really do work up a sweat and i was wondering if this was good enough to loose weight with a diet of 1300 calories a day?
    i plan on adding on the jump rope part every week by about 20 more jumps.
    please tell me this is a good everyday work out coz i really have no time to do anything exta like running…
    thank you so much,

    5ft 8inches, 183 pounds, female!

  8. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Shiko, with the added exercises you are doing this should help you, especially with a low calorie diet. If you can work up to 30 minutes in total even better.

  9. All together it comes up to about 35 minutes. after my last exercise, i try to jump rope as long as i can continuously just to finish off hard. by reading your other comments i realized how much u stress low calorie diets and in the past i didn’t take it too seriously, so now i journal everything i eat or drink and add it up as i go and it really helps. counting off the top of your head isn’t as good as writing it down.
    thank you, will let you know in a bout 5 weeks how i have come along:)
    thanks for the reply!

  10. this didn’t work out i have done this for months days and weeks and i have ate healthy please can you give me another work out im still the same weight and just please find another work out

  11. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Sophie, take a look at the fitness section, there are many workouts to chose from. If your goal is to lose more weight then you should aim to do 45 minutes of exercise every day. You also need to change your diet.

  12. Just found this routine yesterday, tried it and love it! Thank you! A nice change from my usual routine. I did the stages at home on plush carpet with barefeet, any injury concerns with that option? I had no issues and didn’t lose transaction but thought I should ask. Thoughts?

  13. MotleyHealth says:

    So long as you are not slipping you should be fine.

  14. Hi MotleyHealth team,

    I currently weigh about 150 pounds, am a male, and have a bit of a stomach fat. I was wondering if this would be a good routine to start doing since I have no access to a gym, and it is nearing winter so I can’t go running. Any suggestions/ ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  15. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Donovan, this routine is good, but there are others too, such as the circuit training workouts. The article on bodyweight workouts may give you more ideas too. The above routine is good but really more focused at toning. You need some larger movements to burn more fat. Burpees are probably your best option for fat burning. Although the squat thrusts and mountain climbers here are pretty intensive.

    If it is not enough you can always modify the 20 minute workout to do more of the intensive cardio and less of the crunches etc. Or just do the whole thing twice. There are so many options really!

  16. Hey I have been reading these comments and I’m thinking about trying it out. I’m 26 I’m 6′ 4″ and I weigh 285 pounds, I don’t feel over weight so all I really want to do is tone up some, pluss my fiance wants to lose weight so maybe we can do this together.

  17. MotleyHealth says:

    Let is know how you get on Richard.

  18. hi i am 21 years old 5″2 and currently 180 after my two kids i just cant seem to get the weight off. I travel out of town 3 weeks out of the month so i am looking for something that i can do. i have about 20 mins a day to exercise but the problem is the diet plan being that i am out of towm and in a hotel fast food is a big and quick thing so i need help in that area too which i only really eat lunch and dinner anyways i just need help

  19. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Stacy, you need to be stricter with your diet. Plan your meals, request smaller portions if possible and be strict with the food you eat when it arrives.

  20. Hi,
    I am 37 years old and have degenerative disc disease in the lower spine. This has made me inactive and now I’m out of shape. Do you think these excercises could help me get back in some sort of shape? Should any of them be modified for folks with back problems? Any advice would be appreciated. I’m not terribly overwieght ~10 pounds and I eat healthy, but I am flabby from not moving!
    Thank you and Keep up the good work!

  21. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Katie, we cannot really advise on your back condition. If you have done no exercise then maybe starting more gently with a walking plan would be a good idea. It is probably best to speak with a doctor that knows your condition and ask what form of exercise is recommended.

  22. Hi there! Great workout!
    I’m really looking to build up my abs, I’ve already shifted most of the fat covering them already but is there any particular exercises you would suggest apart from Crunches as they aren’t really having the desired effect.
    Thanks :)
    (I’m female, 21years, 165cm and 48kg.)

  23. Thanks for the quick workout. I usually add more reps to this. Love it. Easy, and still keeps you in shape. Sometimes I throw some extras in but this is a really good starting workout for people at home with no gym equitment :)

  24. Hi! I was wondering if you could give me advice? I’m 16 years ild at5’1 and sadly weight at 162. I want to loose at least 20 pounds by April because I am going on a trip to Bermuda and I want to be in shape. Can you give me tips on diet and exercise? I don’t have access to a gym or weights. Thanks! I really want to shed this weight by April!

  25. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Sarah, look at our Fitness Section, there is an article on home exercise that will help you out. Also read the articles in the Diet and Nutrition section. Basically, eat healthy, exercise often. It really is that simple. The biggest challenge is always giving up the addiction to junk food.

  26. hey,Motley…my question is how to build lower abs.?

  27. MotleyHealth says:

    Reverse crunches and hanging leg raises are the best exercises. Leg raises also help although they mostly target the hip flexors.

  28. Hey, im a 16 year old male, 6’1” and I weigh 200 lbs. I just started on a diet of about 1300 calories a day. Im always hungry still after I eat, and I try to only eat normal. I dont have any gym access so I do little home workouts like this around 4-5 times a day.

    What are some foods that I can eat allot of and will fill me up that have little calories? And also remember that I dont have many options since im only 16 and dont buy groceries.

  29. thanks motley health.

  30. can i replace the 3 minute jog with walking ?

  31. MotleyHealth says:

    It will not really not really help raise your heart rate much.

  32. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Kyle, there really is no magic food that you can eat a lot of and not gain weight! Soup is a good option for lunch as this helps keep hunger at bay, and oats (porridge, muesli) is good for breakfast for the same reason. Lower GI carbs help to manage appetite better than high GI. So eat brown bread instead of white, avoid all chocolate, sugar, soda, etc.

  33. I am 5’8″ 18 year old female and I weigh 210. In the last year I have lost about 77 pounds just watching what I ate cut out the snacks, smaller portions, and water instead of pop. But I still want to lose 60 pounds.. will this workout work for me? Any other advice you have would be appreciated. :)

  34. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Kelsey, the workout will certainly help. To help further you should aim to do a total of 45 minutes exercise every day, so this workout plus 25 minutes of running / other cardio would work well. The key is to just keep working on getting fitter and stronger. Well done for losing 77 pounds already!

  35. how many calories a day should I cut down to? If I workout for 45 mins. plus running/cardio fot 25 mins how long do u think it would take to lose that 60 pounds?

  36. MotleyHealth says:

    Well, the standard calculation for weight loss is a daily calorie deficit of 500 Calories results in 1 pounds fat loss per week. So to lose 60 pounds you really need to create a daily calorie deficit of 1000 Calories to lose 2 pound a week, which will be 30 weeks to lose your 60 pounds. If you are burning 500 Calories through exercise then you need to reduce food intake to make up the rest.

    Now, an average 18 year-old woman who is doing daily intensive exercise needs around 2400 Calories. So you should be aiming for around 1400 Calories a day – and this should be all healthy food – fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, with processed food, sugar, junk food, white bread, soda etc. all cut right back. Low GI vegetables and healthy lean proteins (like eggs, fish, chicken) is the key.

  37. Thanks for all your help :)

  38. I just had an injury to my kidney a month ago and i just had surgery i’ve gained about 10LB i wanna lose 20LB so I’m ganna start doing these exercises but I wanted to know if i increase the number of push-ups say to 20-30 push ups you advice that or not ?

  39. MotleyHealth says:

    Do more press ups if you can, remember, this can be done as a circuit so you repeat exercises. I trust your injury is now fully healed? Always consult your doctor first, just in case.

  40. i had surgery (arthrodesis) on both my big toes (hallux ridigus) and bending them is severely limited. is there anything i can do that would be equal to the mountain climbers, squat thrusts and push ups?

  41. MotleyHealth says:

    Assuming the the problem is with flexing the toes back, you could do the push ups on your knees, just perform more. Nothing really equal to the mountain climbers and squat thrusts. You would probably be best just performing a lot more squats and lunges. If you wear a shoe with a good support and focus on push down through your heel when you squat this will take the pressure off the toes (this is how powerlifters perform deadlifts, powering through the heel and not the toes. If these exercises are still a problem then I guess cycling and swimming would be the best exercises.

  42. I’m a 21 year old female and I weigh about 155. I’m 5’9 and mostly looking to tone and shrink my stomach. Maybe about 15 lbs or so. Any suggestions?

  43. I’m a 41 yr old 5’3 154lb woman. I work out at least 2 times a wk and eat small portions of food. Do you think thats to big. I wear a size 9 but i look like a 7. I would like to drop to a least 145.and lose so belly fat got any ideas.

  44. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Tierra, your body mass index is 27.3 which suggests that you are a little overweight. Really you just need to start more regular exercise. A daily workout should help you to reduce weight and get fitter. Small portions are good, but how many meals?

  45. Hi. I am 21 years old. I have already started eating in portions and cutting down junk food. It has helped me lose 5-10 pounds. I have been doing it for a month now. I still weight 155lb and my height is 5’5. I desperately need to lose weight. I am gonna start this starting TONIGHT when I go home. I am too embarassed/ashamed to go to the gym by myself because a) I don’t know anything about the equipment, b) I have never been there before – hence I am not comfortable going there alone. So I am hoping this exercise will do the magic for me.

  46. MotleyHealth says:

    Trisha, do not feel ashamed of not knowing how to use gym equipment. Why not book a private lesson with an instructor who can show you how to use all the equipment?

  47. Hi, I m 21 years old, 5’8″ hieght having only 128 lb wieght. Still i have some belly fat. I want to get mass, but at the time I also want to get flat stomach. Is it possible? If yes, pls help.

  48. MotleyHealth says:

    It is possible, you just need to exercise more and eat healthy. Start doing more bodyweight workouts and some weight training, carry on with cardio and make sure you get plenty of protein.

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