Abdominal Exercises To Tone And Strengthen Your Stomach

Black and white photo of a male torso showing flat stomach and absIf there is one part of the human body that we have covered more than any other in these pages, it has to be the stomach. There are many ways to work your abs. Do not make the classic mistake of thinking that crunches are the only way to strengthen abdominals. To build a six pack you need to hit your abs from all angles, work the different muscles with different exercises and apply varying amounts of resistance.

Although it is thought that abdominal bicycles are the best abs exercise, you really need to perform a variety. Here we list some classic abdominal exercises that will definitely provide the variation required to build a solid set of 6 pack abs.

There are many ways to work your abs and to develop a strong core and defined abdominals you need to work them in a variety of ways. Just doing the same crunches every day will not get the best results. Hit them hard and hit them often. Get inspiration from these video workouts.

15 minute abs workout for a flat stomach

This is a simple but effective 15 minute core workout for building abs. This stomach workout starts with several variations on the basic crunch, then move on to leg raises, stretches, full planks, side planks, then some more stretches from yoga, including the cobra and child postures. It finishes with some cat stretches to help strengthen the lower back.

It is important to remember that performing stomach exercises is a great way of improving core strength, however these exercises alone will not help you to lose weight around the stomach.

To lose fat from your waistline you need to perform full body workouts and eat a calorie restricted diet to burn fat. This means that you have to reduce the amount of calories you are eating every day. In addition to this, you should aim to eat mostly low GI foods as these contain less sugar, and it is sugar that causes people to put on weight.

Full body workouts are simply when you exercise all your muscle groups. Intensive interval training combined with circuit training exercises is possibly the best way to lose weight. You need to get your heart rate high for short bursts by doing sprints (running, cycling, rowing all work equally well) and also work your whole body with squats, push ups, crunches, mountain climbers and other circuit training exercises.

Weight training is also a very effective way to burn more fat. It is recommended that in addition to doing this 15 minute abs workout you also do some basic beginners weight training exercises to help strengthen and tone the entire body. Getting a flat stomach requires much more than just perform stomach exercises.

These stomach exercises can form part of a regular full body exercise routine, and will certainly strengthen your abs to help you start to develop a flat stomach and six pack.

Remember that if your aim is to lose stomach fat and tone your mid-section then you need to be performing some intensive cardio workouts as well as doing these ab toning exercises.

In addition to this, you also need to ensure that your diet is very healthy and provides enough protein to aid muscle development but fewer calories that your body needs to promote fat burning. Learn more by reading our articles on losing weight.

Abdominal cycles and bicycle crunches

Abdominal Cycles, also known as bicycle crunches, are thought to be the best stomach exercise you can do. Many fitness instructors believes that these are even more effective than crunches, and certainly much better than a sit up. These are an excellent way to work your core and form an essential part of a weight loss plan.

To do a bicycle crunch start by lying on your back in a crunch / sit up position. Place your feet flat on the mat with your legs about 45 degrees. Place your hands behind your head and gently hold.

To start raise your shoulders off the floor and then bring your right knee upwards and twist your torso slightly so that your left elbow meets your right knee. Then smoothly twist and switch legs so that as each knee is raised you twist and meet it with the opposite elbow.

You should perform this with a smooth and continuous motion as if you are riding a bicycle. This is an excellent abdominal exercise that will help you develop a 6 pack and tone the stomach muscles. However, do not hope to lose core fat just by doing these exercises, for that you need to burn the fat off first.


Natural bodybuilding workouts for bigger abs

The three videos below, exercises demonstrated include hanging leg raises, modified crunches and seated leg raises / V-sits on the bench. These are some of the best core bodyweight exercises that can tone and strengthen. Building athletic muscle requires more focus on muscular endurance, and bodyweight training is preferable to intensive weight training lifting very heavy weights.

Emphasis on these workouts is good form and control during the workouts. These videos feature Michael Ferencsik, a professional fitness consultant that is considered to be one of the top natural bodybuilders in the world.

Hanging Leg Raises:

Modified Crunches

Seated Leg Raises / V sits

Boxers / martial artist abdominal workout

All martial artists train their core intensively, as it helps to improve strength, stability and agility, all of which are essential in the ring. Boxing workouts traditionally include many core workouts using “old school” exercises such as leg raises and gym equipment such as medicine balls.

If you want to train your core, then choosing a basic boxing ab workout is a good place to start. For this workout you will need a partner and a medicine ball. This is a classic old school fitness training.

The exercise in this video demonstrates the medicine ball catch and toss, which is designed to strengthen the rectus abdominis (abs) and obliques.

This is a very simple exercise for two people to perform, and pretty standard in boxing gyms and martial arts clubs the world over. Often this exercise would be performed as part of the main conditioning part of a martial art class, generally for about 60 seconds before partners swap places.


You can do a very similar exercise on your own given some space and a large flat wall. To do so on each sit up throw a medicine ball (not a hard one) at a wall in front of you.

Ideally the ball will land and bounce before coming to meet your hands on each throw so that it does not interrupt your set.

It takes some practice but means that you can perform an abs medicine ball exercise by yourself.

Is spot reduction of fat possible?

We at MotleyHealth have firmly believed for some time now that spot reduction is not possible. Although many people think that exercising one body part, usually the stomach, will help to reduce fat in this area, this is not true. Well, that has been our stance, until we unearthed research which makes other suggestions. Spot reduction of fat may actually be possible – although not to the extent that many people hope for!

The argument against spot reduction

Body fat does not respond to the presence of muscle, and cannot be worn down through exercise. Where we accumulate fat is largely dependent on gender, age and genetics.

Women accumulate more subcutaneous fat (the fat beneath the skin) than men do, which causes larger bottoms and thighs and loose skin under the arms.

Men on the other hand produce visceral fat first, which is the fat that surrounds internal organs. This is why some men can develop beer guts and remain lean elsewhere. Visceral fat poses the greatest health risk, which is why men are more likely to develop heart problems than women.

The only way to reduce fat from one area of the body is to reduce total body fat. And the only way to do this is to exercise vigorously, combining intensive cardio training with resistance training. Following a healthy diet is also essential, however diet alone cannot easily shift visceral fat, which is the reason why so many people struggle to lose their stomach fat and show off their abs.

With a simple understanding of how fat accumulates, and how it is burnt off, spot reduction must be impossible. But is this the full story?

The Argument for Spot Reduction

Some limited research by physiologists has actually indicated that fat deposits, specifically subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat under the skin) does show signs of responding to weight-bearing exercise. Fat cells immediately adjacent to new muscle tissue appears to reduce.

In one study there was actually significant reductions in abdominal fat in women that had exercised their stomachs, and in another study of men, the effect of squats on fatty tissue around the knees was examined, the result indicated that fat cells in close proximity to newly formed muscle tissue were more likely to decline than in other areas of the body.

Possibly the strongest evidence to support the idea of spot reduction of fat is from research carried out by the Department of Medical Physiology, University of Copenhagen. It found that weight-bearing exercise increased lipolysis (fat burning) in subcutaneous tissue (SCAT):

In conclusion, blood flow and lipolysis are generally higher in SCAT adjacent to contracting than adjacent to resting muscle irrespective of exercise intensity. Thus specific exercises can induce “spot lipolysis” in adipose tissue. (Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 292: E394-E399, 2007. First published September 19, 2006; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00215.2006 0193-1849/07)

So, is spot reduction possible?

In reality people have found that exercising a specific body part does not lead to spot reduction. There may be very small localized changes to fatty tissue but this is not enough to make any real noticeable difference.

The key is still to train the entire body to lose total body fat content. If you have unlucky genetics the weight will come of the are you are targeting last, and there is nothing you can do about that.

Some people appear to actually burn fat off with spot reduction, but while even they think they are, they are not. For example, often you may see someone in a gym performing hundred of crunches and other core exercises. They may well tell you it is to burn fat, and they may appear to have succeeded. However, the reality is that it is their overall approach, their diet and their intensive cardio sessions combined with a lot of stomach exercises that has won them a flat stomach. They just do not realise this. They may actually benefit from less stomach exercises!

Final notes

The world’s most powerful abdominals will still not make a six pack if they’re hidden. It’s almost everybody’s desire to get attractive six pack abs. Learn how to get a six pack fast with this abs routine.

Exercising the core muscles, the abs (rectus abdominis) and obliques, is something that just about every person trying to lose weight, keep fit, build muscle, train for sports or running, does at some point. It is also the way to develop a six pack, i.e. the well defined abdominal muscles on the stomach.

There are many different methods available to develop these muscles, from martial arts and boxing training methods, to yoga and Pilates, as well as weight training and bodybuilding. Rather than try to evaluate each form of exercise to determine which one is “best” you should try them and see what works best for you.


161 Comments on “Abdominal Exercises To Tone And Strengthen Your Stomach”

  1. Rebecca Pacheco says:

    Great, simple video- thank you!

  2. firefighterusa says:

    this video is pretty awesome. The workout is pretty easy but if you follow it everyday you will see results

  3. Simply great!


  4. this was a very nice workout. The best part was the easy explanation of how variety in exercise is needed to get best results. Thank You.

  5. How many times should i do these exercises, 3-4-5 times a week? I go to the gym should I do them in training or non-training days?

  6. MotleyHealth says:

    Antoni, it is up to you really. You could incorporate it into your training, or do them on alternative days. As for how many times a week, that really depends on how intensively you do it and what else you are doing. If your training days involve intensive weight training or interval training then you probably do not want to be doing this 15 minutes 5 times a week. Do as much as you feel comfortable with, and give yourself time to recover. I would suggest that 3 times a week is plenty if you are doing other exercise too.

  7. I have stretch marks on my belly is that it means I am growing fat belly or why is this stretch marks developing. I request you to suggest a better practice to overcome this.

  8. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Deepika, stretch marks are not actually formed when the skin is stretched, although it is connected with a rapid stretching of the skin. “stretch marks are caused by changes in the level of the glucocorticoid hormone in the body. This can inhibit the skin cells from synthesizing collagen and elastin fibers. As a result the growing skin loses the support it needs to maintain its firmness and flexibility. This lack of support compels the dermis to break in places allowing the inner layer of the skin to become apparent, creating the stretch marks.” – Medimise.com

    The article on Medimise also provides some treatments, such as creams. Take a look.

  9. how quickly does this work, i need flat abs for christmas :/ ?

  10. MotleyHealth says:

    Results are dependant on effort applied.

  11. Should i use this workout everyday? or will it be too much? and how long would i be able to see results?

  12. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Rachel, you can do this everyday. If you abs are still hurting then you should rest them and do another exercise instead. But in time they should be strong enough for a daily workout. You may be better off only doing this every other day though and doing some bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges and press ups on other days. It is important to work the entire body to get fit and stay in shape.

  13. is there such a thing as working out too much? i have not led a very active lifestyle, but i am going to try to get in shape in 3o days. is there a healthy way to lose 20 pounds in 30 days?

  14. MotleyHealth says:

    You can workout too much, it is generally called overtraining. This is when you do not give your body (muscles) time to recover. This is not a serious issue though, it just means that you may not e making as much progress as you would if you had more rest. As for a healthy way to lose 20 pounds in 30 days, that depends really on how overweight you are now. I would suggest that it is certainly possible to lose 5 pounds per week. Eat a healthy diet, restrict calories, and get exercising. Any weight loss over 30 days will be due to diet alone if you are unfit. Exercising will (or should) result in building muscle which will actually add to a little your weight. The 15 minute abs routine is unlikely to help you reach your target weight in 30 days.

  15. hi my name is jake and I’ve only just turned 13 and I’ve been wanting a body that girls fancy, I’ve been doing this everyday for the past 2 weeks and i can see a bit of a result. So I was wandering is doing this at my age safe? And should i ease up a bit, my abs haven’t been hurting and i feel comfortable but I was just checking. Let me know ASAP. Cheers.

  16. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Jake, this is a pretty safe workout. If in doubt check with your doctor, they are always (or should be) knowledgeable about these things too and will understand your specific state better than we can. Of course, if you want girls to like you and to get fit, then joining a sports team may help more than abs exercises!

  17. I already hav joined a sport and they havent even helped, so do u know any good sites with good weight training programs, ive already started weights with my brother but do u know any good sites. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  18. Yer hi umm I am 15 and I have about 8 weeks to get a body with about 26%body Fat and I need to get down as much as possible so I can show off a body the ladies will like. If u could can u send me out a training program or something I really want to start feeling better about myself but since I gained weight after both my grandfather’s death I have lost all confidence with my body plz contact me ASAP

  19. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Aaron. Try this push / pull split routine. Increase the reps if you want to just build more muscle. Eat healthy. You should be able to make some good progress in 2 months. Read our other recent articles on strength training for size top learn more about how many reps / what weight you should be lifting. Work hard and you will burn fat and build muscle, and you will feel better about yourself.

  20. hi there. i just read your site today.
    i want to lose my fatbelly but i dont want to lose my weight. i am standing 5’6 but my weight is only 110lbs. and the problem i have big belly, its visible when i wear small tshirts.

    please help. i want to gain weight but lose fatbelly.

  21. hi!..happy new year.. i just want to ask if this exercise is safe for me.,because of my scoliosis. but its just mild. thanks. Godbless. =)

  22. So I’m about to get married in Sept 2010 and I really want to loose 20 pounds at the moment I am 196? I would like to be 176 by the march 7th which gives me two months is this a realistic goal? I’m not fat more than thick I do not mind the extra fat in places like my thighs and butt its the stomach that get me and my arms.

  23. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Molly, this is a realistic goal, however do not be disheartened if you do not make it by March 7th. You have 8 weeks, so need to lose 2 1/2 pounds per week. If you are really determine then you should be able to do this. You will need to do intensive cardio workouts several times per week. Full body workouts such as circuit training, with plyometrics (jumping exercises) and weight bearing exercises (squats, lunges, press ups). Why have you set your goal 6 months before the wedding? You will have to continue your new regime to keep the weight off. Also, remember you need to eat healthy!

  24. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Jame, these exercises should be fine as they are not intensive. By strengthening the core muscles that help to support your spine it may actually help your condition. However, it is always a good idea to seek professional medical advice if you are not sure.

  25. Ok, I’m 16 years old. My body is average body weight. But I want a more flatter Stomach. I weight like 150. Just gained 3 pounds this week. My goal is to get down to the 130’s. So how many times should I do this work out in a day or in a week? I know it’ll be hard to lose weight since I’m average, but what other things should I do while doing this 15 minute workout also?

  26. MotleyHealth says:

    Cree, this workout will not help you lose weight, at least not quickly. For weight loss you need to reduce calories. The exercises will tone the stomach and build bigger abs, but will not reduce fat. So, how many times can you do this exercise? As many as you want/can. What other things should you be doing? Eating less, eating healthier, compound weight training and cardio workouts.

  27. hey, I’m 16 and in college because I graduated early. I’ve already gained the freshman 15 even though I work out regularly. I try to eat healthy but I end up going to the vending machine about four times a day. Somebody told me that if I take vitamins and protein shake, it will curb my appetite and give me better results. Is this true?

  28. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Nikki, vitamins will make no difference. A protein shake contains energy and will curb your appetite, but if you still eat you normal meals in addition you will still put on more weight. Protein shakes are designed to help you gain weight – muscle mass – but if you are not working out you will just put on more fat.

  29. this video is very nice & perfect, I was doing same kind of workout with some mistakes, after watching this video is got to know what is the exact way of doing & completing them.

  30. um I’ve been doing this abs excercise and when im doing it, it just hurts my back. I don’t really think that is working. I wanna lose a little bit of belly fat (because my stomach is not that big) I wanna know if I should continue with this workout. I only tried this 1 time.

  31. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Triice, first rule of exercise is: Stop if it hurts. If you just want to lose some weight then reducing calories, eating healthier, and cutting back on sugar will help much, much more than these ab exercises. They may hurt because you are not in the best of shape. Maybe your flexibility is poor at the moment, and the spine is not used to performing these exercises. Build up slowly. warm up well before, stretch etc.

  32. I am 22 years old. My weight is 64kg. I want to lose stomach. I have a big stomach and i want to lose it. What I want to do to lose the belly. Is jogging enough to lose the stomach? I want to gain 6 pack. How many months it will take to reduce the stomach? In 2 months we can reduce it?

  33. Hi there, I have been exercising for what seems forever and I cannot see a difference in my stomach whatsoever. I need help. I have been doing cardio, weights and abs classes also a regular member of the gym. I am 9st 9lb and want my belly flat for summer I am only 16 and getting really down about my belly and cellulite please help

  34. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Monique, remember that to lose stomach fat you need to combine both diet and exercise. You exercise may be sufficient, but you could still be eating too much of the wrong foods.

  35. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Pawan, it is impossible to say how long it will take you. Follow the rules, eat a healthier diet with fewer calories and workout properly and you will see results in time.

  36. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Eca, sorry but you cannot do much in 14 days. Your best bet would be to go on a strict Atkins induction phase diet (i.e. the first 2 weeks of Atkins – get the book, it is not quite how most people think it is). This will mean that you eliminate sugar from your diet for 2 weeks. While doing this, you can still exercise (proper exercise is hard to do on calorie restrictive diets) and this means that you waste less muscle tissue and lose more fat.

  37. Hi I’m Eca, and I want to know if this exercise can help me lose stomach fats in 12days?… I’m 4’11” 121lbs 23 yrs old…

  38. hi thanks so much for this video. its really great :]
    was just wondering..how long will it take to start seeing the results from doing these exercises?
    i’m also doing a fruit and vegetable diet, which means i’m only allowed to it fruits and vegetables (as well as a little bit of bread and pasta for carbs)

  39. MotleyHealth says:

    How long? Depends on how hard you work, what you eat, what your current situation is etc. I am not familiar with the fruit and vegetable diet, but recommended that if you want to lose weight that you cut out the bread and pasta (fruit and vegetables contain more than enough carbs) and eat more lean protein (eggs, poultry and fish being excellent sources). Eat low GI foods too, make healthy salads. Eat soup as well. Also go easy (or avoid completely) fruit juices, as you will be consuming a lot of fructose, which although healthy is full of energy and can slow weight loss.

  40. my face is looking fatty.i want to loose my face fat.for this what i have to do and which exercise is better for my face.i want to shape up my face.plz help me out.

  41. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Praveen, you have to get fit. Do lots of exercise, some weight training. Burn body fat. You cannot target fat from any part of the body, especially the face.

  42. My side abs is too much fatty. I want to loose my side abs fat for this. What I have to do and which exercise is better for me?

  43. MotleyHealth says:

    Hi Praveen, the same rules apply as they do for your face. You do full body workouts, intensive cardio training and weight training. You also go on a healthy diet to help lose weight.

  44. my height is 6 feet and weight is 83 kg.i m doing weight training monday,tuesday,wednesday and friday,four days in a week.also i m doing 15 minutes+ 2 minutes abs workout everyday(except wednesday).and i run 3.5 km everyday in evening.also i m having a low calorie diet and oats.and tell me that rest is how much important.plz suggest me that my routine is good or not.if not then plz suggest me a good routine to keep fit myself.i want a good body with attractive abs and i need your suggestion,plz help me out.

  45. hariharan krishnamoorthy says:

    pls note that my weight is 65 kgs and height is 5.5 feet. i m light weight worker like a writer. i wish to reduce my belly weight and make a good physic structure. pls guide me on diet systems.

  46. Susan Kayota says:

    Will this help me lose inches off my stomach or get me ab muscles?

  47. MotleyHealth says:

    It will help with both, although mainly help strengthen the muscles. By tightening the muscles you do create the effect of a “natural corset”, but really to lose inches from your stomach you need to work your whole body hard.

  48. Susan Kayota says:

    What workout would you suggest to help burn the inches off?

  49. My whole body is thin but I have belly weight and my waistline is also fat. Is this exercise enough for me or do I need to do any other exercise?

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