Jennifer Hudson weight loss: 60 Pounds!

photo of Jennifer Hudson by Scott Aza Jordan
Jennifer before losing weight

Jennifer Hudson has recently lost 60 pounds and dropped more than 5 dress sizes. She is looking in great shape and looking much healthier now. She lost weight for her role as Winnie Mandela in Darrell J. Roodt’s film Winnie. So how has Jennifer Hudson lost weight?

To lose weight she followed a sensible healthy eating and exercise regime. She knows that keeping the weight off requires a permanent lifestyle change, but it is a change that she is not only willing to make, but embracing. She is doing it for herself and for her son David that was born last year.

Walking Her Way To Fitness

Within a week of giving birth she started walking for 30 minutes every day to start building up her strength and fitness levels. Once she was recovered from child birth she started doing intensive circuit training workouts for 5 days per week.

She admitted that she had tried many diets and failed to lose weight, but then she joined Weight Watchers and in the first week she lost 5 pounds.

Natural Weight Loss is the Only Way

Jennifer is quoted as saying that she firmly believe in fitness and diet to lose weight. If you cannot lose weight naturally then you should not try. Weight loss pills and  drugs should not be taken under any circumstances.

“I don’t believe in shortcuts or drugs. If I can’t lose weight naturally, then no need for me to try at all”

Since she shot to fame after reaching the finals of American Idol in 2004. In 2006 she appeared alongside Beyonce Knowles in Dreamgirls (Beyonce lost a lot of weight by following a Maple Syrup diet plan). Jennifer had to gain weight for her role in the film, and did so on a strict diet of cookies, cakes and pies.

Many people feel the urge to lose weight and improve their health when becoming a parent for the first time. Being a parent is a big responsibility and no parent wants to risk leaving their children orphaned. Losing weight and getting fit is one of the few things that you can do to increase your lifespan and live a more active and fulfilling life. Jennifer’s personal life has seen a huge amount of turmoil with the murder of many of her mother and brother in 2008.

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