UK’s fattest teenager gains 224 pounds after leaving weight loss camp

Georgia DavisSad news on the Daily Mail today. Georgina Davis, who is still only 17 years old, has regained all the weight she lost while at an American weight loss camp.

Update: In Arpil 2013, Georgina was admitted to hospital with a serious skin infection.

She now weighs 476 pounds (34 stone) and is morbidly obese. She managed to lose 210 pounds while on a weight loss plan, but over the last 16 months she has managed to regain 224 pounds. This is the equivalent of 14 pound (1 stone) per month, or 3 1/4 pounds per week.

She managed to gain weight twice as fast as the recommended healthy rate to lose weight, i.e. 2 pounds per week.

How Did She Gain Weight?

She knows exactly how she put he weight back on again. She told the Daily Mail (UK newspaper) that she just started eating the same “cheap, bad food” that she had before losing weight. She had learnt nothing while on weight loss camp other than how to follow orders.

It seems that some people really can only get into shape or live a healthy lifestyle when they are told exactly what to do each day. Many people feel that the obesity epidemic is an impossible battle to win. People nowadays are more likely to object to any government intervention which is designed to help their children live healthier and happier lives and shout “Nanny state!” whenever the governemt tries to dictate new policy on food and education.

How Did She Lose Weight?

Georgia lost weight by following a strict weight loss plan for 9 months at an academy in the USA. Her weight loss plan cost around $5500 a month. She had a team of dieticians, fitness trainers, food psychologists and mentors to help guide her to weight loss. And it worked, she lost 210 pounds and managed to fight off Type 2 Diabetes.

But as soon as she was left alone she reverted back to her old unhealthy lifestyle immediately and put all the weight back on.

Her life expectancy has now dropped to 20 years. According to medics she only has about 3 years left to live. She is eating her way to an early grave. But why? What is the root cause of her eating? Her final words to the Daily Mail were “I know I’m probably eating myself to death again but at the moment I can’t face up to it.” A sure sign that depression has taken hold and she has literally given up on life. The only comfort she now finds is in eating – the one thing that is killing her.

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