Lipolysis due to commence again at 16:00hrs on Tuesday 22nd – Current weight = 92.1kg (203 lbs)

Submitted by Jon on Mon, 21/04/2008 – 12:04am

I have had a fun few days. On Friday night I went to the pub and had a few pints of ale (Green King IPA and Everard’s Tiger), After the pub I got in and drank red wine and ate mature organic cheddar. More carbs there.

On Saturday I had three large eggs scrambled with cheese for breakfast, and steak for lunch. No salad though, so broke the Atkin’s rules there.

I popped to the pub again in the evening, although just had one pint. I also had a couple of gin and tonics, thinking that this would be better, but was shocked to read that each bottle of tonic water has 5.1g of sugar, so that was half of my daily carb allowance in 2 drinks! I started to feel a bit hungry, so had a packed of dry roasted peanuts. Got back from the pub, and pretty much finished off the cheddar, and drank more red wine.

Today, Sunday, I went to an Indian/Thai restaurant with my family, and pigged out. I did not eat any rice or naan bread though, and avoided the potato in the massamam curry. Luckily the meal was a buffet served to our table, so I could pick out the meat and greens, and leave the rest. But even so, I probably consumed a lot of carbs in all the curry sauce that I ate. And drank more red wine.

So really I had a pretty terrible weekend as far as my diet goes, but I had an enjoyable one. And the good news? This evening I still weigh 92.1kg (203 pounds). So I have not put on any weight since Friday. I have not eaten since lunchtime though (broken Atkins rule of eating every 6 hours of waking time). But I am only just starting to feel hungry now, and it is almost midnight, so I will just go to bed. Or maybe I’ll have a small piece of cheese.

Anyway, assuming that lipolysis (metabolic fat burning) has stopped due to excess carbs, I calculate that it should recommence by Tuesday afternoon at the latest. Got kung-fu class tomorrow night, so that should help fire the metabolism up and get the weight shifted again.

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