The 8 TLCs and Hacking Life by Logan Laplante

Logan Laplante on TecX

Tip: Watch the TED Talk video below

Logan Laplante quoted the eight keys to happiness, also known as Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes. The first two he mentioned were diet & nutrition and recreation (being active). He spends one day a week outside all day and learns life skills and survival skills.

An awesome talk by a 13 year old. Logan talks about hacking. Positive hacking. Some old school business managers might call it continuous improvement, Logan calls it hacking. Making things better for you.

Hacking is fun

Logan hacker skills

Logan LaPlante
Logan Laplante

Logan Laplante is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be home schooled instead. Not only was he home schooled, but Logan had the ability to tailor his education to his interests and also his style of learning, something traditional education does not offer.

As Logan has mentioned, when he grows up he wants to be happy and healthy. At a TEDx talk in 2013, he discussed how hacking his education is helping him achieve that goal.

Hackschooling makes me happy: Logan LaPlante at TEDxUniversity

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